[Solved] Int Value from MainViewController to UIImageView Class [closed]

The answer given by JoeFryer is one idea or else you can also use NSNotificationCenter. It works as below. Put this in ImageviewController Tap Action. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:@”countUp” object:nil userInfo:nil]; Put this in MainViewController‘s ViewDidLoad method. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]addObserver:self selector:@selector(increaseCount) name:@”countUp” object:nil]; and also this method -(void)increaseCount{ //Here You can increase the count count++; } Hope … Read more

[Solved] Convert decimal to integer without losing monetary value

decimal firstDecimal = 120.01M; double firstDouble = 120.01; float firstFloat = 120.01F; Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstDecimal * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstDouble * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstFloat * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstDecimal * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstDouble * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstFloat * 100)); // 12001 This means one thing…. you have something … Read more

[Solved] Pass by Ref Java. Integer ins’t modified, Collection is modified, Why? [duplicate]

In short: primitive types and “Primitive wrappers (Integer, Long, Short, Double, Float, Character, Byte, Boolean)” can not be altered via reference. Check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immutable_object for Details 5 solved Pass by Ref Java. Integer ins’t modified, Collection is modified, Why? [duplicate]

[Solved] How can I take integer regex?

As others have posted, the regular expression you are looking for is: \d{4}-\d{6} The full code I would use: import re my_string = ‘Ticketing TSX – 2016-049172’ matches = re.findall(r”\d{4}-\d{6}”, my_string) print matches If, for example, the length of the second digit varies from 6 to 8 digits, you will need to update your regular … Read more

[Solved] delete all digits except one

Just to show you current C++ (C++20) works a bit different then wat most (older) C++ material teaches you. #include <algorithm> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <ranges> bool is_not_four(const char digit) { return digit != ‘4’; } int main() { // such a big number iwll not fit in any of the integer types // … Read more

[Solved] In java its not calculating correctly

I suggest you not use double at all here as it is clearly confusing you. If you are going to use double, you should always round your results instead of rounding down. Additionally as 0.1 and 0.01 and 0.05 cannot be represented accurately, you should avoid using them. int iPenny = (int) Math.round((iDollarTotal – iTen … Read more

[Solved] Working with two unknown integers

public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(“sum: ” + sum(10, 12)); System.out.println(“evens: ” + evens(10, 20)); System.out.println(“odds: ” + odds(10, 20)); System.out.println(“primes: ” + primes(0, 100)); } public static int sum(int from, int to) { int sum = 0; for (int i = from; i <= to; i++) { sum += i; } return sum; … Read more