[Solved] Python FOR Loop [closed]

Python alternative for your function def test(): for i in range(1, 10): print(i) Note out that python has no variable declaration as it is not strongly-typed language. Also instead of next it has indentation as depth of execution. solved Python FOR Loop [closed]

[Solved] Append not working like expected [closed]

You repeatedly append the same Mutation, and end up with multiple references to it in the list. If you want different Mutations, you have to make new ones. (I assume that’s what you think is the “problem”, as you never explicitly say what is wrong about the output.) 2 solved Append not working like expected … Read more

[Solved] How to read this JSON string?

The clean way to handle JSON in C# is by using classes that represent the JSON structure and parse the JSON into them. For example, you can use json2csharp to generate these classes. Lets assume you have generated a class Test as parsing target: using Newtonsoft.Json; private static readonly JsonSerializerSettings StrictJsonSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings { … Read more

[Solved] Php if($var) used to work [closed]

You didn’t get the error before, because your error_reporting and/or display_error settings were set too forgiving. Your first snippet is attempting to access a value in an array that might not exist. If it doesn’t PHP always issues a notice. It’s only after the notice has been issued that it can be hushed up (by … Read more

[Solved] Meaning please

this works as below : <script type=”text/java-script”> //javascript code goes here </script> this only tell the compiler o the browser or whatever that the code or script in between the scripts tag is a javascript. solved Meaning please

[Solved] Python class information from variable

Yes. Both animal and giraffe are references to the same underlying object. Very much like “Jala015” and “Jala Smith” and “mom” (or dad?) might all be references to the same person. Similarly, if you change the continent of the object via one of the references, that change will be visible through the other reference, since … Read more

[Solved] what is the mistake in this program? [closed]

You try this! void convolution(double *signal, int nt, double *wind, int r, double *rm) { int i,j; printf(“%u\n”, sizeof(wind)); // Why you do this? this just returns the size of the pointer only int l = (nt+r-1); double one[l]; double two[l]; for(i=0;i<l;i++) { if (i < nt) one[i] = signal[i]; else one[i] = 0; if … Read more

[Solved] for loop repeats over and over

The problem occurs on the price Method not the number, if the user enters 50 , you are checking the matrix seatsArray[][] for available seats : Solution: you need to add a boolean when seat gets reserved so you can set it true and escape the loop which is on the for not the the … Read more

[Solved] What is wrong with this code? I cant figure it out

days_of_week = [‘Sunday’, ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’] You forget the , after the ‘Thursday’, that’s why it will out of range. your code: def main(): # Variables total_sales = 0.0 # Initialize lists daily_sales = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] days_of_week = [‘Sunday’, ‘Monday’, ‘Tuesday’, ‘Wednesday’, ‘Thursday’, ‘Friday’, ‘Saturday’] for i … Read more

[Solved] How to get last 3 month name in sql server

Sorry @Imrul Kaesh , there is some mistake on the query. I didn’t filter the last 3 months by ItemId. I have updated my query as below, please have a try: WITH Last3Month AS ( SELECT DISTINCT TOP 3 MONTH(IssueDate) AS Mth FROM Issue WHERE ItemId = 452 –Please add this WHERE Clause ORDER BY … Read more

[Solved] Nullpointer on sql query with android [duplicate]

The first code snippet you have provided is not sufficient to answer the question with any degree of certainty. From the exception it would appear that the sqlHandler variable is null, but you have not provided any code to show how you are instantiating this. sqlHandler seems to be a global variable, so you’ll want … Read more

[Solved] How to add a button to the Action menu?

Use key2=”client_action_multi” in act_window to add submenu to “Action” button (“More” in previous Odoo versions). Reference here <act_window name=”New Sub menu” res_model=”product.product” src_model=”product.product” key2=”client_action_multi” view_mode=”form” target=”new” view_type=”form” id=”act_new_sub_menu” /> solved How to add a button to the Action menu?