[Solved] My rounding impossible (Javascript and PHP)

Maybe this? <?php $num = ‘49.82’; $new_num = $num; $hundredth = substr($num, -1, 1); switch($hundredth) { case ‘0’: break; case ‘1’: $new_num = ($new_num – 0.01); break; case ‘2’: $new_num = ($new_num – 0.02); break; case ‘3’: $new_num = ($new_num – 0.03); break; case ‘4’: $new_num = ($new_num – 0.04); break; case ‘5’: break; case … Read more

[Solved] Convert decimal to integer without losing monetary value

decimal firstDecimal = 120.01M; double firstDouble = 120.01; float firstFloat = 120.01F; Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstDecimal * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstDouble * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstFloat * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstDecimal * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstDouble * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstFloat * 100)); // 12001 This means one thing…. you have something … Read more

[Solved] Check where number 1 is in decimal number

I wouldn’t rely too much on the approach you posted in your answer. Use the following function instead: function index_of_one($dec) { // maximum precision is 15 $str = str_replace(‘.’,”,sprintf(‘%.15f’, $dec)); $pos = strpos($str, ‘1’); if ($pos === false) { return -1; } return ($pos + 1); } Example: $dec1 = 1.00000000; $dec2 = 0.10000000; $dec3 … Read more

[Solved] how to round off float after two place decimal in c or c++

Something like as follows. Hope that its understandable. Output:https://www.ideone.com/EnP40j #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <cmath> int main() { float num1 = 95.345f; float num2 = 95.344f; num1 = roundf(num1 * 100) / 100; //rounding two decimals num2 = roundf(num2 * 100) / 100; //rounding two decimals std::cout << std::setprecision(2) << std::fixed << num1 << ” … Read more

[Solved] how to create input like answer

some fundamental coding errors needs to be addressed here along with logical flaw. before we proceed lets format to 4 spaces int main() { /* Lets simplify these two statements */ // char ce[] = {“ceil”}; // char fl[] = {“floor”}; char *ce = “ceil”; char *fl = “floor”; /* format this into one line … Read more

[Solved] Rounding calendar time to nearest 5 mins [duplicate]

I didn’t test this code but i believe it should work. int unroundedMinutes = isha_jamaat_cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); int mod = unroundedMinutes % 5; isha_jamaat_cal.add(Calendar.MINUTE, mod < 3 ? -mod : (5-mod)); The basic idea is to check whether the current time is nearest to the next or the previous 5 minutes clock mark and adjusting the added … Read more

[Solved] Why is rounding done like this? [closed]

You should have a look at how floats are handled, and what limitations they have. https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/floatingpoint.html is a Python specific explanation. In your particular example, Python chooses to use a representation that has a limited number of digits (depends on the Python version). Internally, different float values may share the same (rounded) representation. 0 solved … Read more

[Solved] Why does Java and Javascript Math.round(-1.5) to -1?

Rounding mode to round towards negative infinity. If the result is positive, behave as for RoundingMode.DOWN; if negative, behave as for RoundingMode.UP. Note that this rounding mode never increases the calculated value. It is just matter of whole number and its position against number chart. From here you can see javadocs. public static int round(float … Read more

[Solved] Angular 2 – how round calculated number?

You need another pipe to do this import {Pipe} from ‘angular2/core’; @Pipe({name: ’round’}) export class RoundPipe { transform (input:number) { return Math.floor(input); } } template: {{ date | amDifference : item.startdate : ‘minutes’ : true | round }} 4 solved Angular 2 – how round calculated number?

[Solved] Formatting a number with exactly two decimals in JavaScript

To format a number using fixed-point notation, you can simply use the toFixed method: (10.8).toFixed(2); // “10.80” var num = 2.4; alert(num.toFixed(2)); // “2.40” Note that toFixed() returns a string. IMPORTANT: Note that toFixed does not round 90% of the time, it will return the rounded value, but for many cases, it doesn’t work. For … Read more