[Solved] required: boolean found: int 1 error

Did you ever initialize numberOfTries? Try changing this: for (numberOfTries=0; numberOfTries = 4; numberOfTries++){ To: for (int numberOfTries=0; numberOfTries <= 4; numberOfTries++){ 2 solved required: boolean found: int 1 error

[Solved] Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between ‘Entities.KRAParameterInfo’ and ‘string’

Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between ‘Entities.KRAParameterInfo’ and ‘string’ solved Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between ‘Entities.KRAParameterInfo’ and ‘string’

[Solved] read cdata in xml from javascript

Whilst we can’t say for sure without the XML that’s being parsed, the usual reason for ‘getting blanks’ from childNodes[0] (firstChild) is that there is a whitespace Text node between the parent’s start-tag and the node you are looking for: <data> <![CDATA[ foo ]]> </data> On an XML parser that retains CDATA sections, that’ll give … Read more

[Solved] webview app permission for capturing images using camera and uploading images from gallery

Add in Manifest.xml: <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” /> <uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE” /> For android versions higher than M you have to ask for permissions, I’m referring to this question: Link solved webview app permission for capturing images using camera and uploading images from gallery

[Solved] Multiple aggregation in R with 4 parameters

You could try something like this in data.table data <- data.table(yourdataframe) bar <- data[,.N,by=y] foo <- data[x==1 & z==1,list(mean.t=mean(t,na.rm=T),median.t=median(t,na.rm=T)),by=y] merge(bar[,list(y)],foo,by=”y”,all.x=T) y mean.t median.t 1: 1 12.5 12.5 2: 2 NA NA 3: 3 NA NA 4: 4 NA NA You probably could do the same in aggregate, but I am not sure you can do … Read more

[Solved] Change EditText with Button click

In your MainActivity.java: public void onClicknews(View v) { String titel1 = “Trumps brutales Kalkül”; EditText article = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.articlename); String s = article.getText().toString(); Intent intent = new Intent(getApplicationContext(), NewsActivity.class); intent.putExtra(“articalName”,s); startActivity(intent); } In your NewsActivity.java: EditText news = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.news); String newsName = getIntent().getStringExtra(“articalName”); news.setText(newsName ); 0 solved Change EditText with Button click

[Solved] How to loop through JSON AJAX response?

If its a valid JSON you can use $.each() $.each() or jQuery.each() is used for iterating over javascript objects and arrays.  Example : In the example below intArray is a JavaScript array. So to loop thru the elements in the array we are using $.each() function. Notice this function has 2 parameters The JavaScript object or … Read more

[Solved] query add .css if div has active class

IDs must be unique, so use instead: (and close all UL tags) <ul> <li> <a class=”left-menu”>Test</a> <ul style=”display: none” class=”submenu”> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> </ul> </li> <li> <a class=”left-menu active”>Test 2 </a> <ul style=”display: none” class=”submenu”> <li>test</li> <li>test</li> </ul> </li> </ul> And then: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { $(“.left-menu.active”).next(‘.submenu’).show(); }); BTW, you could use: $(“.left-menu.active”).next(‘.submenu’).show(); SEE DEMO 3 solved query … Read more

[Solved] Multiple IF statements showing image when input are completed

if (document.getElementById(‘name’).value != “” && document.getElementById(‘company’).value != “” && document.getElementById(’email’).value != “”){ document.getElementById(‘hiddenpdf’).style.display = ‘block’; }else{ document.getElementById(‘hiddenpdf’).style.display = ‘none’; } Hope this helps. You have a syntax error in your code. Above solution checks with “and” logic and will only execute ‘block’ statement if all three conditions are met otherwise it will move over to … Read more