[Solved] My rounding impossible (Javascript and PHP)

Maybe this? <?php $num = ‘49.82’; $new_num = $num; $hundredth = substr($num, -1, 1); switch($hundredth) { case ‘0’: break; case ‘1’: $new_num = ($new_num – 0.01); break; case ‘2’: $new_num = ($new_num – 0.02); break; case ‘3’: $new_num = ($new_num – 0.03); break; case ‘4’: $new_num = ($new_num – 0.04); break; case ‘5’: break; case … Read more

[Solved] Convert decimal to integer without losing monetary value

decimal firstDecimal = 120.01M; double firstDouble = 120.01; float firstFloat = 120.01F; Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstDecimal * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstDouble * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstFloat * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstDecimal * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstDouble * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstFloat * 100)); // 12001 This means one thing…. you have something … Read more

[Solved] Printing a Decimal Number [closed]

Following is the program #include<stdio.h> main() { //float f = 233.1234; float f; float s; int x; int unit = 0; printf(“Enter the decimal number \n”); scanf(“%f”,&f); printf(“Entered the decimal number =%f\n”,f); s = f; while((int)s % 10) { s = s*10; } x = (int) s/10; printf(“x=%d,s=%f \n”,x,s); while(x % 10) { unit = … Read more

[Solved] decimal of numbers in c

The error is that %d in the format specifier of both scanf and printf represents decimal, so it expects an int (in the case of scanf, a pointer to int) Since you are declaring b and c as float, %d in the lines scanf(“%d”,&b); printf(“%d lbs is %d kgs.”,b,c); should be changed to %f respectively. … Read more

[Solved] How can validate data in excel so that we can throw an error if the decimal point of an input is less than “0.12”.ex: need to exclude 1.13

How can validate data in excel so that we can throw an error if the decimal point of an input is less than “0.12”.ex: need to exclude 1.13 solved How can validate data in excel so that we can throw an error if the decimal point of an input is less than “0.12”.ex: need to … Read more

[Solved] C# Convert To Decimal String Value like 0.33 [closed]

This should fix your problem (if I understand the problem, that is): var number = decimal.Parse(“0,55”.Replace(‘,’, ‘.’), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); EDIT Not every culture uses the point (.) symbol as the decimal separator. If you don’t specify a format provider, the framework defaults to the current culture. I’m guessing that in this particular case, the decimal.Parse() method … Read more

[Solved] c++ Check if string is valid Integer or decimal (both negative and positive cases)

The answer was a simple Regex: bool regexmatch(string s){ regex e (“[-+]?([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)”); if (regex_match (s,e)) return true; return false; } It will return true on integers (i.e. 56, -34) and floating point numbers (i.e. 6.78, -34.23, 0.6) as expected. 3 solved c++ Check if string is valid Integer or decimal (both negative and positive cases)

[Solved] How can I find the language of this code and how can I find the tool to convert this code to text or HTML [closed]

They seem to be HTML entities, but they are not complete, they should end with ‘;’ So the code should read: &#1112;&#965;&#1109;t The characters you see are: &amp;#1112; CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE &amp;#965; GREEK SMALL YPSILON &amp;#1109; CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZE t a normal t In your browser it look almost like ‘just’ For a … Read more