[Solved] Why is my int a pointer? [closed]

The while condition should probably read as: while (abs(nextValue – currValue) > 0.00000000001 && iter < 100000) Note that There is no semicolon at the end. The entire condition must be in parentheses. and is replaced by && – this is not strictly necessary because and is valid in C++ as far as I know, … Read more

[Solved] How do I pass an object 2d array (x,y) position into an int

I think this will do it. Also, Object[][] isn’t right. private String[][] singleplay = {{“#”,”Name”,”Score”},{“1″,”———-“,”10”},{“2″,”———-“,”20”}}; /** * Returns the score. * * @param id * The index of the entry in the array table. * * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException * When the destination relative position is out of bounds. * * @return The score, 0 if … Read more

[Solved] Convert file of bytes to ints Python [duplicate]

You might want to read Read ints from file in python It is even more straightforward from that question. I have not checked the following code but something along the spirit of fin = open(“hi.bmp”, “rb”) out = open(“values.txt”,”rw”) value = struct.unpack(‘i’, fin.read(4))[0] out.write(“%d\n” % value) # just loop over the 2 last lines out.close() … Read more

[Solved] SharedPreferences Save value of Int in a TextView

I explained where I made changes public class MainActivity extends Activity { Button search; TextView tvRing; //Making sharedpreferences and integers global for ease of use private SharedPreferences prefs; private int redRing, someint; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); search = (Button) findViewById(R.id.radar); tvRing = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.ring); //Someint default value is 0 if not … Read more

[Solved] How to Convert Date to Int? [closed]

String year1= String.valueOf (year); String month1= String.valueOf(month); String day1= String.valueOf(day); must be changed to String year1= String.valueOf (num1); String month1= String.valueOf(num2); String day1= String.valueOf(num3); because these 3 variables only hold the values entered by the user. Also, not sure why you need the hour, because you never get that as inout from the user. In … Read more

[Solved] java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when adding new elements to an array? [closed]

This works for me. public class PersonService { protected int lastItemInPersonArray = 0; private Person[] persons = new Person[100]; public void addPersonToPersonArray(Person personToAdd) { persons[lastItemInPersonArray++] = personToAdd; } public static void main(String[] args) { PersonService ps = new PersonService(); ps.addPersonToPersonArray(new Person(“P 1”)); ps.addPersonToPersonArray(new Person(“P 2”)); ps.addPersonToPersonArray(new Person(“P 3”)); System.out.println(ps.persons[0].nome); System.out.println(ps.persons[1].nome); System.out.println(ps.persons[2].nome); } } class Person{ … Read more