[Solved] Returning specific regions [closed]

You can group the results of regionprops into a vector and use it for indexing: rg = regionprops( L, ‘Area’ ); allArea = [rg(:).Area]; % grouping all area values into a single vecotr labels = find( allArea >= 300 & allArea < 500); % select relevant regions solved Returning specific regions [closed]

[Solved] garbage value in C array

In the function argument: char arr[9][5] In the loop: for (i = 0; i<5; i++) { for (j = 0; j<9;j++) { if (arr[i][j] == 1) You flipped the position of i and j. i should go from 0 to 9, j from 0 to 5. 0 solved garbage value in C array

[Solved] how to hide a tag? [closed]

This is the best I can do without knowing your code: HTML: <h4 id=”myH4″>Hello World</h4> Javascript: document.getElementById(“myH4″).style.display=”none”; or document.getElementById(“myH4″).style.visibility=”hidden”; 7 solved how to hide a tag? [closed]

[Solved] Restart Mysql by PHP [closed]

Yes, it is possible. How depends on which OS you’re running. One approach is the PHP exec function to execute a external program. The command to be executed depend on the OS, as I said. Here are the command (If I’m correct, please tell me if I’m not): Debian / Ubuntu: /etc/init.d/mysql restart Mac OS … Read more

[Solved] how to compare between rounded off long values and long values in ArrayList? [closed]

Here is an example of what you are trying to do. import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; public class Test{ public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Integer> numberList = Arrays.asList(10234, 20233, 34546, 43546, 59865, 70002, 92435, 200354); for(int nbr : numberList){ //goes through the list if( nbr > 20000 && nbr < 50000){ System.out.println(nbr); } } } … Read more

[Solved] Python List of Dictionaries by Loops

If you want only print the resulting dictionaries, uncomment the print statement (and comment the following 2). d1 = [ {‘index’:’1′,’color’:’red’}, {‘index’:’2′,’color’:’blue’}, {‘index’:’3′,’color’:’green’} ] d2 = [ {‘device’:’1′,’name’:’x’}, {‘device’:’2′,’name’:’y’}, {‘device’:’3′,’name’:’z’} ] result_list = [] for dict1 in d1: merged_dict = dict1.copy() for dict2 in d2: merged_dict.update(dict2) # print(merged_dict) result_list.append(merged_dict.copy()) print(result_list) The result: [{‘name’: ‘x’, ‘device’: … Read more

[Solved] Convert decimal to integer without losing monetary value

decimal firstDecimal = 120.01M; double firstDouble = 120.01; float firstFloat = 120.01F; Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstDecimal * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstDouble * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine ((int)(firstFloat * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstDecimal * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstDouble * 100)); // 12001 Console.WriteLine (Convert.ToInt32(firstFloat * 100)); // 12001 This means one thing…. you have something … Read more

[Solved] Want to get drop down value on php sql query without page refresh

Use ajax $.ajax({ url: “fetchlist.php”, dataType: ‘json’, success: function(response){ // Here, you may bind response with your select HTML } }); You may either return json from your php file and create DOM elements in response. Or, you may create HTML version and return as response. Suggestion will be to use JSON for better flexibility. … Read more

[Solved] Dialogflow and C#. How do I get a response from an agent?

I’ve written simple bots for Dialogflow / Google Home in C# using the following Nuget package. https://www.nuget.org/packages/Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2 Docs: https://developers.google.com/resources/api-libraries/documentation/dialogflow/v2/csharp/latest/ You can use the webhookrequest and webhookresponse classes to send and recieve information from Dialogflow. It can be a bit more trouble than the NodeJs version, but with some work it is possible. 1 solved Dialogflow … Read more

[Solved] Some fake data coming automatically in webserver databse

Quick workaround: Add a validation on Laravel side (server side validation) with a regex allowing only non-russian characters. Then Post your code with implementation of Google reCAPTCHA, there we’ll find the answer. Which version of Google reCAPTCHA you are using..? 1 solved Some fake data coming automatically in webserver databse