[Solved] Question regarding a Coinbase Trading LSTM model bot for time-series neural net based on historic data in Python – Error and debug question [closed]

Introduction This question is about a Coinbase Trading LSTM model bot for time-series neural net based on historic data in Python. The question is about error and debug. This question is important because it can help us understand how to debug and troubleshoot errors in a Coinbase Trading LSTM model bot for time-series neural net … Read more

[Solved] Get the word, from a sentence that the user is talking about [closed]

Credit: ThuverX let word if(content.indexOf(“what”) !== -1 && content[content.indexOf(“what”)+1] !== “is”) word = content[content.indexOf(“what”)+1] else if(content.indexOf(“meaning”) !== -1) word = content[content.indexOf(“meaning”)+2] else if(content.indexOf(“means”) !== -1) word = content[content.indexOf(“means”)-1] 0 solved Get the word, from a sentence that the user is talking about [closed]

[Solved] Dialogflow and C#. How do I get a response from an agent?

I’ve written simple bots for Dialogflow / Google Home in C# using the following Nuget package. https://www.nuget.org/packages/Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2 Docs: https://developers.google.com/resources/api-libraries/documentation/dialogflow/v2/csharp/latest/ You can use the webhookrequest and webhookresponse classes to send and recieve information from Dialogflow. It can be a bit more trouble than the NodeJs version, but with some work it is possible. 1 solved Dialogflow … Read more

[Solved] How To Make Chat Bot In Batch [closed]

search for keywords instead of full phrases: @echo off :loop set /p input=”> ” echo %input%|find /i “hi” >nul && echo Hello. echo %input%|find /i “your name” >nul && echo My name is Rob. What’s yours? echo %input%|find /i “my name is” >nul && echo That’s a nice name. echo %input%|find /i “wheather” >nul && … Read more

[Solved] I am tring to make a discord bot that wait for the user message and if three tags are mentioned it give tick reaction

You can use the on_message event to catch every message and do what you like with it. This is better than waiting for a message and executing code as this is faster. The downside is the channel must be hard-coded or use a global variable. Or, you could recreate the whole command in the function … Read more

[Solved] Discord js bot message

I recommend attempting to google the answer to your question for at least 30 minutes prior to posting on a website such as this, as such queries will usually return useful information. Either way, to create a line-break, you can use \n Integrating this into usable code, you can do, for example: message.channel.send(‘Line one \n … Read more

[Solved] “Expected an indented block” error while coding python for discord bot [closed]

Looks like it’s this section: async def raid(ctx): while True: await ctx.send(“””@Raider come show some support and join the raid! Meet: (link1) Target: (link2) Raid Call: “””) await asyncio.sleep(5) Just needs to be indented properly: async def raid(ctx): while True: await ctx.send(“””@Raider come show some support and join the raid! Meet: (link1) Target: (link2) Raid … Read more

[Solved] Bot Framework 4.0 Equivalent

What you’re looking for is await <TYPE>Context.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(<YOURDIALOGNAME>), <OPTIONAL_PARAMETERS>, cancellation token The <TYPE> above means you could be using waterfalls, in which case it would be stepContext or a simple dialog, which would be dialogContext. so for your bot above, you’d create the PurchaseOrderDialog.cs and SKUNumberDialog.cs, then utilize them as follows: if (entry) { JToken commandToken … Read more