[Solved] Switch case from PHP to python

In python there is the if …. elif …. elif….else It is the switch in other languages. But in your code you do not need a switch statement. It’s enough to use a if then else. if flagRound == floor: totalUnits = floor(totalParts / partsInUnit) else: totalUnits = ceil(totalParts / partsInUnit) 3 solved Switch case … Read more

[Solved] How to sort matrix column values then rows?

You will need a row comparer. We’ll keep in mind that all rows have same length: public class RowComparer : IComparer<IEnumerable<int>> { public int Compare(IEnumerable<int> x, IEnumerable<int> y) { // TODO: throw ArgumentNullException return x.Zip(y, (xItem, yItem) => xItem.CompareTo(yItem)) .Where(c => c != 0).FirstOrDefault(); } } And use it for sorting: inputRows.Select(r => r.OrderBy(x => … Read more

[Solved] Throwing exceptions two attitudes [duplicate]

In Java, you need to specify how your method behaves. This includes exceptions that can possibly be thrown. To declare, that you method can that an exception, the throws keyword is used (as in your first Example). Note that only Exceptions that derive from the Exception class must be depicted here (there are also RuntimeExceptions … Read more