[Solved] Returning specific regions [closed]

You can group the results of regionprops into a vector and use it for indexing: rg = regionprops( L, ‘Area’ ); allArea = [rg(:).Area]; % grouping all area values into a single vecotr labels = find( allArea >= 300 & allArea < 500); % select relevant regions solved Returning specific regions [closed]

[Solved] Are there any differences to C# between North America, Asia, Europe? [closed]

Well the DateTime typesetting will be different depending on the culture. For instance in the U.S., it will read, the same goes with currencies, dialogs (the YesNo buttons will be different, etc.): 10/15/2014 8:16:08 PM Whereas in France it will read: 15/10/2014 20:17:08 Example (with the csharp interactive shell): Mono C# Shell, type “help;” for … Read more