[Solved] Dialogflow and C#. How do I get a response from an agent?

I’ve written simple bots for Dialogflow / Google Home in C# using the following Nuget package. https://www.nuget.org/packages/Google.Cloud.Dialogflow.V2 Docs: https://developers.google.com/resources/api-libraries/documentation/dialogflow/v2/csharp/latest/ You can use the webhookrequest and webhookresponse classes to send and recieve information from Dialogflow. It can be a bit more trouble than the NodeJs version, but with some work it is possible. 1 solved Dialogflow … Read more

[Solved] Why is this If statement not executing the code? [duplicate]

You did char * response. This makes a pointer variable to a character. Right now it is not pointing to any memory(it is some garbage value). scanf stores user input in consecutive memory addresses starting from the one pointed by response. as response is uninitialised, the input may not necessarily be stored on the stack(Don’t … Read more

[Solved] Taking 1 specific item out of JSON response using Python

Consider a simplified example where your line of code >>> response=conn.getresponse() has retrieved the response from the server and saved it as an HTTPResponse object, and when you .read() the response you see a JSON string like this >>> responseData = response.read().decode(‘utf-8’) >>> responseData ‘{“day”: “Thursday”, “id”: 3720348749}’ You can use Python’s built-in JSON decoder … Read more

[Solved] Parse stringified JSON

do it in two steps. package main import ( “encoding/json” “fmt” ) func main() { type AutoGenerated struct { Messages string `json:”messages”` AppCart string `json:”app_cart”` Addcartrows string `json:”addcartrows”` MinicartContent string `json:”minicart_content”` CartQty string `json:”cart_qty”` AddedProductJSON string `json:”added_product_json”` } type addedProduct struct { ID string `json:”id”` Size string `json:”size”` } type productRow struct { ProductID string … Read more

[Solved] How to parse xml response of soap php [closed]

Load the SOAP response into an DOMDocument object: $soapDoc = new DOMDocument(); $soapDoc->loadXML($soapResponse); Prepare a DOMXPath object for that document: $xpath = new DOMXPath($soapDoc); Register a prefix for the urn:it-progress-operate:ws_operate namespace: $xpath->registerNamespace(‘operate’, ‘urn:it-progress-operate:ws_operate’); Retrieve the payload node: $path = “//operate:ttOutRow[operate:ParNam=’XMLDocumentOut’]/operate:ParVal”; $result = $xpath->query($path); Save the payload XML: $payloadXML = $result->item(0)->nodeValue; Now that you have the … Read more

[Solved] how i get title from following response [closed]

Assuming your JSON is assigned to a variable called response you can access the body with:let body = response.data.data[0].body And the title withlet title = response.data.data[0].title In case you want to loop over the data array in order to get a value for all entries (e.g. title), try this:let titles = response.data.data.forEach(entry => console.log(entry.title)); 0 … Read more

[Solved] Why do we need specific classes to work with Request and Response?

As mentioned here : The Request class is an object-oriented representation of the HTTP request message. With it, you have all the request information at your fingertips and As a bonus, the Request class does a lot of work in the background that you’ll never need to worry about. For example, the isSecure() method checks … Read more