[Solved] Concatenating two string variables in dataframe in R

It would help if you provided more information. Here is an example: df <- data.frame(x=1:26, y=as.factor(LETTERS)) paste(df$x, df$y) [1] “1 A” “2 B” “3 C” “4 D” “5 E”… paste(df$x, df$y, sep=””) [1] “1A” “2B” “3C” “4D” “5E”… It doesn’t matter what class the elements are, the engine will convert them to character class. If … Read more

[Solved] When assigning a value Java gives the error ‘java: expected’, Why? [duplicate]

Your’re probably not using it in a method. Place it in a method as shown below : public static void main(String[] args) { char aCharacter=”A”; aCharacter=”\u0041″; } This is because assignments are statements and statements are allowed only inside blocks of code. 0 solved When assigning a value Java gives the error ‘java: expected’, Why? … Read more

[Solved] need help setting up variable in Vue.js framework

figured it out on my own after 2 days, thanks guys <template> … <h2>{{bar1name}}</h2> <h3>{{bar2name}}</h3> … </template> <script> export default { props: { bar1name:{ type: Object, default: function(){ return(‘Listening’) } }, bar2name:{ type: Object, default: function(){ return(‘Problem Solving’) } }, } } </script> solved need help setting up variable in Vue.js framework

[Solved] How to reset a global variable

Most of the comments are placed within this fiddle, not too comfortable with SO’s manner of dealing with multi level code, but placing it here as well. Comments held within the code relay most of the changes and their reason, and repeating them here would feel unneeded. https://jsfiddle.net/Luis_Perez64/qzr9yjud/ window.onload = function(){ //CAROUSEL let leftSlideBtn = … Read more

[Solved] Output the array so that 10 elements per line are printed

You have not called print method from main method. One more mistake is in your code that, you mentioned about 3 times of index variable and in your code you are taking cube of index variable. public class progprblm5{ public static void main(String []args){ double alpha[] = new double[50]; for(int i =0;i<25;i++){ alpha[i]= i*i; } … Read more

[Solved] Pass variables from Javascript to PHP – Popup/Modal Window

If you’re okay with the page reloading, you can simply do window.location.href(‘php_script_that_needs_your_input.php?id=input_id_from_js’); If not, I absolutely recommend using JQuery as it makes Ajax queries a breeze. Inside the <head> tags: <script src=”http://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.2.0.min.js”></script> Upload the script to your own server for production purposes, obviously. in the <body>, where you want the results from the PHP script … Read more

[Solved] How can I set object in list [closed]

i want change list[0] by changing f variable (not list[0] directly) That is not possible. The collection list is made up of pointers to objects as are the variables f1, f2, and f each a pointer to an object. By changing the pointer of f you do not automatically change the pointer held in the … Read more

[Solved] Basic Python variable function not working? [closed]

You are using the variable before it declaration. Carry your variable declaration at the top of the first print function For Example boy_name = “Bobby” print(“there was a boy named ” + boy_name + ” “) print(“there is a boy named timmy”) solved Basic Python variable function not working? [closed]