[Solved] function returns address of local variable, but it still compile in c, why?

Even I get an warning a function returns an address from local variable, it compiles. Isn’t it then UB of compiler? No, but if it were, how could you tell? You seem to have a misunderstanding of undefined behavior. It does not mean “the compiler must reject it”, “the compiler must warn about it”, “the … Read more

[Solved] Error Message is not clear to me

If what you posted is your whole class, you’re missing a curly brace. Exactly as the error message says. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; public partial class Default2 : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void gettickvalue(object sender, EventArgs e) { Random RandomNumber = new Random(); int n = RandomNumber.Next(1, 9); … Read more

[Solved] C# Error CS1513

Please attempt to answer questions yourself. Googling ‘error CS1513’ lead to this page as the first result – https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/83ht1k63%28v=vs.90%29.aspx?f=255&MSPPError=-2147217396 Grant Winney’s comment is correct, missing brace. 3 solved C# Error CS1513

[Solved] C# Error CS1513

Introduction The C# Error CS1513 is a compilation error that occurs when a closing brace is missing from a code block. This error can be difficult to debug, as it can be caused by a variety of issues. Fortunately, there are a few steps that can be taken to help identify and resolve the issue. … Read more

[Solved] String cannot be converted to char, how to fix it? [closed]

This is your solution : public class NewMain { public static void main(String args[]) throws ParseException { Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); char yes; do { System.out.println(“Hi”); yes = s.next().charAt(0); } while (yes == ‘Y’); // if u enter ‘Y’ the it will continue } } To exit enter any thing other then ‘Y’ 0 … Read more

[Solved] pip install pyaudio error cl.exe failed

Prebuilt wheels of PyAudio are currently available for Python 2.7 and 3.4-3.6. If you don’t want to use Python 3.6 and want to install PyAudio in 3.7 you have to compile and install PortAudio and PyAudio from sources. See the instructions at http://portaudio.com/docs/v19-doxydocs/tutorial_start.html https://smaudet.wordpress.com/2014/01/26/building-pyaudio-on-windows-7-x64-using-the-free-msvc-toolchains/ solved pip install pyaudio error cl.exe failed

[Solved] Template overloaded = operator works in one class and fails to compile in another? [closed]

You declare a class template PointIndices, but misspell it in the function definition: template<typename T> PointIndicess<T>& PointIndices<T>::operator=(const PointIndicess<T>& point) // ^ extra “s” here ^ and here solved Template overloaded = operator works in one class and fails to compile in another? [closed]

[Solved] “unknown type name ‘size_t'” error from included .cpp file, but removed when included file name changed to .h file. Why? [closed]

The problem was not in the code. In my Makefile, I mistakenly put $^ instead of $< as below. %: %.c include/*.h $(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc -g -fmax-errors=5 -DQEMU -I$(AXPUDIR) -I$(INCDIR) $^ -o $@ So the make tried to compile the header file (which I put as prerequisite, to make it recompiled when I change the header file) … Read more

[Solved] The method set(int, int) in the type Calendar is not applicable for the arguments (int, String)

The bit you seem to be missing is that when the user enters for example “Monday”, you need to convert this string into something that Java can understand as a day of week. This is done through parsing. Fortunately using java.time, the modern Java date and time API, it is not so hard (when you … Read more

[Solved] A type or namespace name ‘register’ could not be found

This will not work, as Show is an instance method, not a static mathod: register form = new register(); register.Show(); You probably meant: register form = new register(); form.Show(); Note: Your naming is non standard – types in .NET are normally in PascalCase – to be consistent, your should name the class Register. Additionally, using … Read more