[Solved] how to create a dataframe in R from ” Min. 1stQu Median Mean 3rdQu Max. NA’s”? [closed]

One approach is to use the tidy function from the broom package. It is versatile and can organize most R statistical results into a data frame. library(broom) set.seed(1) x <- rnorm(1000) x[sample(1:length(x), 100)] <- NA df <- tidy(summary(x)) df minimum q1 median mean q3 maximum NA’s 1 -3.008 -0.6834 -0.01371 0.00106 0.6978 3.81 100 As … Read more

[Solved] how to save sql query result to csv in pandas

You can try following code: import pandas as pd df1 = pd.read_csv(“Insert file path”) df2 = pd.read_csv(“Insert file path”) df1[‘Date’] = pd.to_datetime(df1[‘Date’] ,errors=”coerce”,format=”%Y-%m-%d”) df2[‘Date’] = pd.to_datetime(df2[‘Date’] ,errors=”coerce”,format=”%Y-%m-%d”) df = df1.merge(df2,how=’inner’, on =’Date’) df.to_csv(‘data.csv’,index=False) This should solve your problem. 4 solved how to save sql query result to csv in pandas

[Solved] I want to plot the count of over a specific number e,g 2000 [closed]

You can assign the result of the value_counts() to a Series and filter it as below: count = df_1[‘neighbourhood’].value_counts() ax = count[count > 2000].plot(kind=’bar’, figsize=(14,8), title=”Neighbourhood that showed”) ax.set_xlabel(“neighboorhood”) ax.set_ylabel(“Frequency”) solved I want to plot the count of over a specific number e,g 2000 [closed]

[Solved] how to calculation cost time [closed]

I think I understand what you’re asking. You just want to have a new dataframe that calculates the time difference between the three different entries for each unique order id? So, I start by creating the dataframe: data = [ [11238,3943,201805030759165986,’新建订单’,20180503075916,’2018/5/3 07:59:16′,’2018/5/3 07:59:16′], [11239,3943,201805030759165986,’新建订单’,20180503082115,’2018/5/3 08:21:15′,’2018/5/3 08:21:15′], [11240,3943,201805030759165986,’新建订单’,20180503083204,’2018/5/3 08:32:04′,’2018/5/3 08:32:04′], [11241,3941,201805030856445991,’新建订单’,20180503085644,’2018/5/3 08:56:02′,’2018/5/3 08:56:44′], [11242,3941,201805022232081084,’初审成功’,20180503085802,’2018/5/3 08:58:02′,’2018/5/3 08:58:02′], … Read more

[Solved] Extracting Data from a list- find the highest value

I’m assuming IATA is the ticket agent variable: df = data.frame(IATA=c(3300, 3300, 3300, 3300, 3301, 3301, 3302, 3303, 3303)) table(df$IATA) # 3300 3301 3302 3303 # 4 2 1 2 As you can see, table gives the frequency of ticket sales by each ticket agent. names(which.max(table(df$IATA))) # [1] “3300” If there are ties and you … Read more

[Solved] How to store missing date(15 min interval) points from csv into new file (15 minutes interval) -python 3.5

try this: In [16]: df.ix[df.groupby(df[‘datetime’].dt.date)[‘production’].transform(‘nunique’) < 44 * 4 * 24, ‘datetime’].dt.date.unique() Out[16]: array([datetime.date(2015, 12, 7)], dtype=object) this will give you all rows for the “problematic” days: df[df.groupby(df[‘datetime’].dt.date)[‘production’].transform(‘nunique’) < 44 * 4 * 24] PS there is a good reason why people asked you for a good reproducible sample data sets – with the one … Read more