[Solved] I am getting the items in Listview repeated . Here is my sample code I am unable to find the bug in my code ! Can anyone help me out please?

add one more line in your function: mjob.clear(); private JsonParsingListener<JobList> mJsonListener = new JsonParsingListener<JobList>() { @Override public void onSuccess(JobList result) { if (null == mPagination) { mPagination = result.getPagination(); mPagination.setCurrentPage(0); if(null == result.getJobs() || 0 == result.getJobs().size()) { mMessageView.setText(getArguments().getString(ARG_EMPTY_MESSAGE)); mMessageView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } else { mMessageView.setVisibility(View.GONE); } } else { mPagination.updateData(result.getPagination()); } if (null != mJobs) { … Read more

[Solved] How to correctly initialize a list member object in Java

The first constructor: public Book(String bookname, String authorName) { mBookName = bookname; mAuthorName = authorName; mPageList = new ArrayList<>(); } Then you will have a new book without any page The second constructor: public Book(String bookname, String authorName, List<Page> pageList) { mBookName = bookname; mAuthorName = authorName; mPageList = pageList; } You will have a … Read more

[Solved] How to work with files?

You should not use external files for this purpose, as they are not secure. Android recommends Shared Preferences for this purpose. Shared Preferences store data in the your app package in an xml file which is only accessible through your app. Data is stored in Key-Value pairs. To save data: SharedPreferences prefs = this.getSharedPreferences( “com.example.your.package.name”, … Read more

[Solved] Java Package Name Validation

That’s because import java.util.HashMap; Hashmap refers to the class, not the package. It reads that : Hashmap is a class found within the package of java.util Here’s the actual package and class in question: solved Java Package Name Validation

[Solved] Android : parse a JSONArray

Here is your code to parse data, private void parseData(){ try { JSONArray jsonArray=new JSONArray(response); JSONObject jsonObject=jsonArray.getJSONObject(0); JSONArray jsonArrayNid=jsonObject.getJSONArray(“nid”); JSONArray jsonArrayUid=jsonObject.getJSONArray(“uid”); JSONArray jsonArrayField_image=jsonObject.getJSONArray(“field_image”); for(int i=0;i<jsonArrayNid.length();i++){ JSONObject jsonObjectNid=jsonArrayNid.getJSONObject(i); String value=jsonObjectNid.getString(“value”); //here you get your nid value } for(int i=0;i<jsonArrayUid.length();i++){ JSONObject jsonObjectUid=jsonArrayUid.getJSONObject(i); String target_id=jsonObjectUid.getString(“target_id”); //here you get your uid target_id value String url=jsonObjectUid.getString(“url”); //here you get your … Read more

[Solved] My app keeps crashing when i open it

you are passing this in method like setOnItemSelectedListener(this) means you are passing reference of listener as class but you don’t implemented listener, impalement OnItemSelectedListener like following and try, public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements AdapterView.OnItemSelectedListener 3 solved My app keeps crashing when i open it

[Solved] What are the technology used to develop shopping apps like jabong, myntra, flipkart etc.? [closed]

try http://phonegap.com/ this is a platform where you can develop hybrid apps using CSS, HTML5 etc . Take some time learning these technologies and see for yourself if it suits your need. Do not engage yourself learning how they did it, try to learn thing and see what is the best fit for the problem … Read more

[Solved] Android go to next page

From one Activity to another activity you can use Intent: Intent intent = new Intent(this, YourActivity.class); startActivity(intent); 0 solved Android go to next page

[Solved] How to override `toString()` properly to get rid of hash code

You are calling toString() on ComputableLiveData, you have to call toString() on myEntities which will in turn call toString() on the individual elements which are MyEntity. myViewModel.getAllData().observe( this, new Observer<List<MyEntity>>() { @Override public void onChanged(@Nullable List<MyEntity> myEntities) { Log.d(“TAG: “, “DATA CHANGED! ” + myEntities.toString()); } }); 1 solved How to override `toString()` properly to … Read more

[Solved] Why android.telephony.SmsManager is not able to send message from Dialog Activity?

Cheers! Problem got resolved. There were no appropriate intantiation of the phone number field of the mSmsManager.sendTextMessage() method. Alas! how silly mistake i made which took some time to figure out. I believe i got mislead because of nesting of onClickListener() methods. He he… I am reposting the correct code to let be helpful for … Read more