[Solved] Using curly braces like in constructor to set new values to a base object

Figured it out: public class MyClass { public MyClass() { } public MyClass(MyClass baseInstance) { var fields = typeof(MapObject).GetFields(); foreach (var field in fields) field.SetValue(this, field.GetValue(baseInstance)); var props = typeof(BaseItems).GetProperties(); foreach (var prop in props) if (prop.CanWrite) prop.SetValue(this, prop.GetValue(baseInstance)); } } … lets you do this: public static MyClass MyClass2 => new MyClass(MyClass1) { Property1 … Read more

[Solved] sorting (constructor) in Java [closed]

You can define a natural ordering for your class IceCream by implementing the Comparator interface. public class IceCream implements Comparator{ // … final String name; final Date date; public Icecream(String name, Date date){ this.name = name; this.date = date; } public int compare(Object o1, Object o2) { return ((IceCream)o1).date.compareTo(((IceCream)o2).date); } } 3 solved sorting (constructor) … Read more

[Solved] What Exactly Does A Constructor Do? (C++) [closed]

The constructor initializes the variables(fields) of a class. The default constructor initializes to default values. Example, string to “”, integers to zero, doubles to 0.0, boolean to false an so on. When you create a constructor you’re customizing the variables initialization. 3 solved What Exactly Does A Constructor Do? (C++) [closed]

[Solved] Overload a toString Method

First of all, toString method comes from object class, don’t try to make multiple of those methods or anything like that, have everything in one method. As to your problem, you can make a variable String description for your class, and initialize it in constructor and then in toString just return that variable. You can … Read more