[Solved] logical OR in Java not working?

Before you do anything check for an empty List or a 0 divisor. if(divisor==0||array1.isEmpty()){ return false; } Then you can check the list. for(Integer i: array1){ if(i%divisor!=0){ return false; } } Finally. return true; solved logical OR in Java not working?

[Solved] C# logic (solution needed in coding) [closed]

The only tricky thing here is a comparison with tolerance, since because of round up errors you can well never meet answer == value condition. The implementation could be double answer = 300.0; double tolerance = 1e-10; while (true) { // based on previous answer we compute next one double value = 0.5 * (answer … Read more

[Solved] Selecting more than one value

You probably want something like this SELECT Name, Composer, REPLACE(Composer,”https://stackoverflow.com/”,’,’) AS Make FROM tracks But it really is impossible to tell for sure given that you don’t tell us any of the table or field names in your database and very little about your database model solved Selecting more than one value

[Solved] how to create a dataframe in R from ” Min. 1stQu Median Mean 3rdQu Max. NA’s”? [closed]

One approach is to use the tidy function from the broom package. It is versatile and can organize most R statistical results into a data frame. library(broom) set.seed(1) x <- rnorm(1000) x[sample(1:length(x), 100)] <- NA df <- tidy(summary(x)) df minimum q1 median mean q3 maximum NA’s 1 -3.008 -0.6834 -0.01371 0.00106 0.6978 3.81 100 As … Read more

[Solved] Android: Download personal’s information from server [duplicate]

There exist a lot of libraries that can be used for loading the images from server. Listing out some of them Picasso UIL Most of the image loading libraries provide caching mechanism, so that there is no need to store the images over phone’s storage. solved Android: Download personal’s information from server [duplicate]

[Solved] Write a function that returns avg arrival delay by carrier by airport in R

This is what I was looking for avgDelay <- function(carrier, dest) { TempTotal = 0 TempCount = 0 for(i in 1:dim(delays)[1]) { if(delays$CARRIER[i] == carrier & delays$ARR_DELAY[i] >0 & is.na(delays$ARR_DELAY[i]) == FALSE & delays$DEST[i] == dest) { TempTotal <-TempTotal + delays$ARR_DELAY[i] TempCount <-TempCount + 1 # keeps count of the number of delays } } … Read more

[Solved] Linux C++ new operator incredibly slow [closed]

Given that 98% of the time is spent in that function, I rewrote your “get a number” function: int Ten_To_One_Million_Ten(void) { unsigned Number = (((unsigned)rand() << 5) + (unsigned)rand()%32) % 1000000 + 10; assert(Number >= 10 && Number <= 1000010); return Number; } Now, on my machine, using clang++ (Version 3.7 from about 4 weeks … Read more