[Solved] How to Garbage Collect an external Javascript load?

Yes, it does benefit the GC to set the properties to null. Doing so removes the references from the element (that is contained in the DOM) to the handler function, and given that it probably is the only reference to the function it makes the function eligible for collection. However, unless the function is a … Read more

[Solved] Which is more preferable? Performance or Memory while spliting a string in C#? [closed]

There’s no reason to do a computation that has the same result multiple times, especially if it involves memory allocations. You’re correct in that your first snippet has worse time and memory performance. Every call to split will iterate over the string (probably the fastest part of all that), allocate two new arrays and copy … Read more

[Solved] How do I time JavaScript code?

This is not really about JavaScript – it’s more about the browser and the way it’s handling JavaScript. Each browser is doing this differently, but most modern browsers won’t let JavaScript take 100% of the resources to prevent the client machine from crashing. Bottom line you can’t do such thing with client side scripting, you’ll … Read more

[Solved] How do I time JavaScript code?

Introduction If you are looking for a way to time your JavaScript code, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss the various methods available to time your JavaScript code. We will discuss the pros and cons of each method and provide examples of how to use them. We will … Read more

[Solved] Fast comparing array to the number

TL;DR: do it the obvious way, and make sure your compiler optimizes it. It’s hard to reason about performance without a full, reproducible program example. So let’s start with a straightforward implementation: #include <array> #include <algorithm> std::array<int, 362856427> a = {}; int main() { a[500] = 1; a[5000] = 1; a[50000] = 1; a[500000] = … Read more

[Solved] Javascript performance, conditional statement vs assignment operator

When you have a non-refcounting language (which JavaScript isn’t) and doing an assignment (‘=’, resulting in a copy operation) of a big object it can be “slow”. So a check if that copy operation is really necessary can save you a significant amount of time. But JavaScript is a native refcounting language: object1 = {a: … Read more

[Solved] Linux C++ new operator incredibly slow [closed]

Given that 98% of the time is spent in that function, I rewrote your “get a number” function: int Ten_To_One_Million_Ten(void) { unsigned Number = (((unsigned)rand() << 5) + (unsigned)rand()%32) % 1000000 + 10; assert(Number >= 10 && Number <= 1000010); return Number; } Now, on my machine, using clang++ (Version 3.7 from about 4 weeks … Read more

[Solved] Is there a faster solution to solve this kind of job? [closed]

I’m not sure I understand your “job description”, but I think you want this: def find_matches(tuple_of_dicts, key_to_find): return [d for d in tuple_of_dicts if key_to_find in d] So: >>> tuple_of_dicts = ({18: None}, {10: None}, {16: None, 18: None, 5: None, 6: None, 7: None, 10: None}, {16: None}, {7: None}, {10: None}, {18: None}, … Read more

[Solved] Does object literal notation containing functions execute faster than (global scope) plain functions (dereferencing)?

As T.J. Crowder states in his comment to the question “JavaScript Object Literal notation vs plain functions and performance implications?”: Perf questions in JS are tricky, because the engines vary so much. But if you mean the two options in the question, the answer is almost certainly no. Once the engine has the function reference, … Read more