[Solved] How to sum some columns in a row [duplicate]
Use groupby df.groupby(“ID”)[“Cluster”].sum().reset_index() 1 solved How to sum some columns in a row [duplicate]
Use groupby df.groupby(“ID”)[“Cluster”].sum().reset_index() 1 solved How to sum some columns in a row [duplicate]
You need one more array, instead of four separate variables. This will make it easy to pick only (the right) one of the totals to update in the inner loop. Otherwise, all four scores will always get the score of the final golfer, since the inner loop currently sets all four variables. It will look … Read more
I would rewrite the main function to be something like: def GetStudentInput(): score = 0 for i in range (4): print(“Mrs Pearson’s Class Test Score Data”) name = CheckStringInput(“What’s Your Name: “) score += CheckNumericInput(“What’s Your Score: “) print(score) This eliminates the need for an extra function and avoids using a list since you don’t … Read more
df <- data.frame(rep=c(0.2,0.3,0.2), lon=c(35,36,37), lat=c(-90,-91,-92), v1=c(10,0,8), v2=c(3,4,5), v3=c(9,20,4)) v <- as.vector(“numeric”) for(i in 1:3) v[i] <- sum(df$rep[df[,i+3]!=0]) solved Conditional summation in r
The code given looks OK, but if you want the sum without including the last number, as is generally the case you should change the for loop like this for(; index < endno; index ++) solved Sum of the all the numbers between a and b [closed]
You can do with numpy and itertools: from numpy import linspace, prod from itertools import combinations arr = np.array([1,2,3,4]) [sum([prod(x) for x in combinations(arr,int(i))]) for i in linspace(1,len(arr), len(arr))] [10, 35, 50, 24] solved How to get sum of products of all combinations in an array in Python? [closed]
Aside from using loops explicitly, for List<Integer> list you can do: int sum = list.stream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum(); If it’s an int[] arr then do: int sum = IntStream.of(arr).sum(); This is based on the use of streams. Or you can do this simple one liner loop: int sum = 0; for (Integer e : myList) sum += e; … Read more
SELECT SUM(how_many) AS per_day, `date` FROM cigaretes GROUP BY DATE(`date`) 0 solved How to sum and group values using MySQL ?
We could use shift from data.table library(data.table) m1 <- na.omit(do.call(cbind, shift(df1$col1, 0:4, type=”lead”))) rowSums(m1*(1:5)[col(m1)]/5) #[1] 13.60 12.20 31.24 25.58 30.48 32.58 44.88 Or another option m1 <- embed(df1$col1,5) rowSums(m1*(5:1)[col(m1)]/5) #[1] 13.60 12.20 31.24 25.58 30.48 32.58 44.88 solved in R, How to sum by flowing row in a data frame
just an example, you could pass your stack variable as an argument to the GetSum() function. private static int GetSum() { Stack<int> stack = new Stack<int>(); stack.Push(2); stack.Push(5); stack.Push(7); stack.Push(4); stack.Push(1); int sum = 0; foreach (int number in stack) { if (number % 2 != 0) { sum += number; } } return sum; … Read more
I think you may be confusing type variables which are used in type annotations, and the actual values being passed to the function. In your definition of mygcd: mygcd c = a + b Unless a and b are defined elsewhere, this will be an error. In other words, these a, b, and c are … Read more
If the values are stored as NSNumber objects, you can use the collection operators. For example: NSArray *array = @[@1234.56, @2345.67]; NSNumber *sum = [array valueForKeyPath:@”@sum.self”]; If you want to format that sum nicely using NSNumberFormatter: NSNumberFormatter *formatter = [[NSNumberFormatter alloc] init]; formatter.numberStyle = NSNumberFormatterDecimalStyle; NSString *result = [formatter stringFromNumber:sum]; NSLog(@”result = %@”, result); If … Read more
Don’t use any tricks in looping through your range. Just maintain a variable that tells you whether you should be adding this time, or subtracting, and alternate that variable with each pass through your loop. 3 solved Trouble adding and subtracting number from range [closed]
Here is one way to accomplish this: #make a data frame df <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,3), b = c(1,NA,3), c = c(1,2,3)) #use rowSums on a dataframe made with each of your columns and specify na.rm = TRUE df$mySum <- rowSums(cbind(df$a,df$b), na.rm = TRUE) 0 solved Row-wise sum for select columns while ignoring NAs [closed]
While @SamGrondahl is on the right track, unfortunately, if you enter a negative number it gives unexpected results. This should work properly with negative numbers: int sumdigits(int number) { int sign = number < 0 ? -1 : 1; number = sign * number; // abs the number if (number < 10) return sign * … Read more