[Solved] Rewriting a conditional chain as a sequence of one-liners

This code would not compile: if (gamepad1.left_stick_y>50) mainArm.setDirection(DIRECTION_FORWARD), mainArm.setPower(50); // ^ Your attempt at converting multiple operations into one by placing a comma would not work: JLS 15.27: Unlike C and C++, the Java programming language has no comma operator. One approach is to allow changing power and direction in a single call: if (gamepad1.left_stick_y … Read more

[Solved] Micro-optimizations: if($var){ … } vs if($var): … endif [closed]

I’m sure the difference is negligible, if there is any. If the difference is important to you, you should probably use a faster (likely compiled) language. You would do better optimizing more intensive things, like databases first (and writing clean code, as @Tim stated). solved Micro-optimizations: if($var){ … } vs if($var): … endif [closed]

[Solved] Python raw_input to extract from dictionary

Solution while True: prompt = int(raw_input(” Enter ID of person you would like to search for: “)) if prompt > 100: print(“Please try again”) continue elif prompt < 1: displayPerson(prompt,persons) else: break print(“Terminated.”) Explanation You enter the loop and get an ID from the user. If prompt > 0: display the person Otherwise, break out … Read more

[Solved] Conditional summation in r

df <- data.frame(rep=c(0.2,0.3,0.2), lon=c(35,36,37), lat=c(-90,-91,-92), v1=c(10,0,8), v2=c(3,4,5), v3=c(9,20,4)) v <- as.vector(“numeric”) for(i in 1:3) v[i] <- sum(df$rep[df[,i+3]!=0]) solved Conditional summation in r

[Solved] Java if statements without brackets creates unexpected behaviour

Because this: if(name.equals(“email_stub”)) if(emailStub == “”) emailStub = results.getString(“text”); else if(name.equals(“fax”)) if(fax == “”) fax = results.getString(“text”); Is actually this: if(name.equals(“email_stub”)) if(emailStub == “”) emailStub = results.getString(“text”); else if(name.equals(“fax”)) if(fax == “”) fax = results.getString(“text”); Without the curly brackets, the else will reference the first if before it. And as @Hovercraft commented: Avoid if(emailStub == … Read more

[Solved] If x = 2 y = 5 z = 0 then find values of the following expressions: a. x == 2 b. x != 5 c. x != 5 && y >= 5 d. z != 0 || x == 2 e. !(y < 10) [closed]

There are several differences between Java and Python. One of which is the use of ‘if’ statements. In python, an ‘if’ statement follows this structure: if CONDITION: elif CONDITION: else: The operators are also slightly different. Rather than || it’s or Rather than & it’s and Boolean works similarly, except python capitalizes the first letter. … Read more

[Solved] Does this usage of if statements cause undefined behaviour? [closed]

will I get undefined behaviour by not including all 3 variables into every condition? The behaviour of not including all variables into every condition is not undefined by itself. Will every unaccounted for condition go into the else statement? Statement-false (i.e. the statement after the keyword else) is executed if the condition is false. what … Read more