[Solved] Input path does not exist

The error is pretty self explanatory, so it is probably something simple that you are missing. Can you modify your script and run it as shown below. Please modify the “fileName” value to where you think the file is. import java.nio.file.{Paths, Files} import sys.process._ /************ Modify this line with your data’s file name **************/ val … Read more

[Solved] Scala Filter Only Digits

I think this might solve your problem t.countByValue().filter(tupleOfCount=>Try(tupleOfCount._1.toInt).toOption.isEmpty).print() Use of isInstanceOf should be the last resort as @sergey said , so this code must solve the issue or else the pattern matching would be a good option too. solved Scala Filter Only Digits

[Solved] What does mean, lines.next.toInt in Java [closed]

You can get this done in java using any reader. e.g- BufferedReader, FileReader anything like this. public class InJava { BufferedReader br= new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); // //in main() public static void main(String [] args) { Object obj= br.readLine(); } } If you are using a list use Iterator. public class InJava { List<double> lst= new … Read more

[Solved] Return value of process to String

! returns the exit code of the process (0 in your case). If you need the output of the process you should use !! instead: val url = “https://morningconsult.com/alert/house-passes-employee-stock-options-bill-aimed-startups/” import sys.process._ val result = (“wget -qO- ” + url !!).toString println(“result : ” + result) (relevant documentation) solved Return value of process to String

[Solved] How to write scalatest unit test for scala object? [closed]

There are many ways to write test for it. There are libraries like FlatSpec, FunSuit. So here, i am going to write test case for it using FunSuit import org.scalatest.FunSuite class WordTest extends FunSuite { test(“should return word count “) { val wordCount = Word.readFile() assert(wordCount.nonEmpty) } } solved How to write scalatest unit test … Read more

[Solved] How can I access a method which return Option object?

The most iconic way ot do it is to unwrap values with scala is to use pattern matching to unwrap the value. entities match { case Some(queryEntities: QueryEntities) => queryEntities.entities.foreach { case e => println(e.columnFamily) println(e.fromDate.getOrElse(“defaultFromDateHere”) println(e.toDate.getOrElse(“defaultToDateHere”)) } case None => println(“No value”) } 9 solved How can I access a method which return Option … Read more

[Solved] Compare two numbers

I think the main problem is the conversion of numeric types. So let´s encode that: trait NumericConversion[X, Y] { def convert(x: X): Y } Of course one have to specify that abstract concept: (for example) implicit object Int2IntNumericConversion extends NumericConversion[Int, Int] { def convert(i: Int): Int = i } implicit object Double2DoubleNumericConversion extends NumericConversion[Double, Double] … Read more

[Solved] Write Java Program to grade Scala Homeworks

You can compile Scala into a .class file (e.g. “scalac ./foo.scala”) and run methods from your Java grading program. This might be useful reference: How do you call Scala objects from Java? solved Write Java Program to grade Scala Homeworks