[Solved] How can I use lambdas with methods in C#?

you can use an expression bodied method. static double Stirling(long n) => Math.Sqrt((2 * n + 1.0 / 3.0) * Math.PI) * Math.Pow(n, n) / Math.Exp(n); This is only possible when the method executes a single statement, and in this case, we get rid of the return statement. or you can use a Func delegate … Read more

[Solved] Lambda expression Compare operator “>”,”>=” issue

Thanks for all responses The Lambda expression query is correct only. db.Companies.where(Company => (Compare(Convert(Company.Name), “Test”) > 0)) db.Companies.where(Company => (Compare(Convert(Company.Name), “Test”) >= 0)) I changed the “right arg” value to “Test”. I have one record ‘Name’ with Test. executed the following query. db.Companies.where(Company => (Compare(Convert(Company.Name), “Test”) > 0)) and shown the results 105(here Name with … Read more

[Solved] For Loop with Lambda Expression in JAVA

I think the reason is pretty clear. ints.forEach((i) -> { System.out.print(ints.get(i-1) + ” “); }); Translates approximately to: for (Integer i : ints) { System.out.println(ints.get(i – 1) + ” “); } Which will cause IndexOutOfBoundsExceptions because i refers to the elements of each list, and each of those elements – 1 will give an index … Read more

[Solved] what is & mean in c++ lambda?

[&](int n) {} means that in the lambda block you capture every variable from the scope by reference in contrast for example to [=](int n) {} where you have an access by value. You could also specify excactly what variable you need to be passed by reference or by value [&a, b](int n) {} PS. … Read more

[Solved] File Lambda expression in Java 7

You would use an Anonymous Inner Class, as Java 8 lambda expressions are essentially syntatical sugar which do nearly the same thing. That would look something like this. files.addAll(Arrays.asList(folder.listFiles(new FileFilter(){ @Override public boolean accept(File f) { return f.getName().endsWith(CustomConstantsRepository.FILE_EXT_DAT) && f.getName().startsWith(fileName))); } }))); solved File Lambda expression in Java 7

[Solved] System.Linq.Expression.Compile error

Resolved. The method was called recursively, creating the parameter and the expression and returned to himself. In this process the parameters were removed from memory, as they had already been used believed not to have problems. But they need to be kept in memory until the time of compilation. In this case I used a … Read more

[Solved] Java Reconstruct data structure using lambda expression

Does the String in Map<String, List<A>> related to the output? I assume that you want to get every pair <F, E> from the original map right? So this might help Map<String, List<A>> input; input.values().stream() .flatMap(Collection::stream) .map(a -> a.getListB()) // extract list B from A .flatMap(Collection::stream) // Here you get all B instances .collect( toMap( b … Read more

[Solved] Filter list with complex expression

I believe this does what you want… arr = [[2,6,8],[1,4,7],[3,3,4],[2,4,9],[3,3,7]] foo = lambda arr, evenOdd, noDoubles: [ i for i in arr if not (evenOdd and (all(k % 2 == 1 for k in i) or all(k%2 == 0 for k in i))) and not (noDoubles and (len(i) != len(set(i))))] print(foo(arr, False, False)) print(foo(arr, True, … Read more

[Solved] ” Missing ; before statement ” In a long code [closed]

I have updated the function… check now? navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position){ var long = position.coords.longitude; var lat = position.coords.latitude; var theDateC = new Date(); var D = (367*theDateC.getFullYear())-(parseInt((7/4)*(theDateC.getFullYear+parseInt((theDateC.getMonth()+9)/12))))+parseInt(275*(theDateC.getMonth()/9))+theDateC.getDate()-730531.5; var L = 280.461+0.9856474*D; var M = 357.528+0.9856003*D; var Lambda = L +1.915*Math.sin(M)+0.02*Math.sin(2*M); var Obliquity = 23.439-0.0000004*D; var Alpha = Math.atan (Math.cos(Obliquity)*Math.tan(Lambda)); Alpha = Alpha – (360 * parseInt(Alpha/360)); Alpha … Read more

[Solved] Calling #[] on a ruby method [closed]

If I understand the question, you want a method that takes any number of arguments, and returns an object that will create a range of numbers when the [] method is used. This method takes any number of arguments (using the * splat operator), and then returns a proc, which [] can be used on. … Read more

[Solved] Java 8 comparator not working

The comparator seems correct. The problem seems to be in your filter clause, where you compare the event id to the device id lastDeviceEvent = deviceEvents .stream() .filter (o -> o.getDeviceId().equals(deviceId)) // Original code used getId() .sorted(comparing((DeviceEvent de) -> de.getId()).reversed()) .findFirst() .get(); solved Java 8 comparator not working