[Solved] Retrieving variables from functions

in javascript the IIFE and Closure principles var f = (function() { var localFunc = function(){}; var localVar1 = 3; var localVar2 = 4; // publish return { localFunc: localFunc, localVar: localVar1 } })(); f.localFunc(); // ok f.localVar2; // nok I don’t known if i answered the question solved Retrieving variables from functions

[Solved] Javascript can implement OOP but Ruby can’t implement functional programming? [closed]

Ruby does have first class functions. What makes you think it doesn’t? From wikipedia: A language that has first-class functions is one where: The language supports constructing new functions during the execution of a program, storing them in data structures, passing them as arguments to other functions, and returning them as the values of other … Read more

[Solved] Advanced Rudimentary Computing? [closed]

I think you missed the most important one: algorithms. Understanding the complexity, know the situation to use them, why use them and more important, how to implement them. I’m pretty sure that you already know a lot about algorithms but if you think that your tool-knowledge (aka the programming languages) are good enough, you should … Read more

[Solved] OCaml: How can I return the first element of a list and after that remove it from the list?

I think there are a couple of misunderstandings here. First, most types in OCaml are immutable. Unless you use mutable variables you can’t “remove it from the list”, you can only return a version of the list that doesn’t have that first item. If you want to return both things you can achieve that using … Read more

[Solved] Concat elements of tuple if contiguous lables are same

Here’s a quick function to do this looping through the tuples and comparing each tuple to the label of the previous tuple and concatenating them if the labels match. def parse_tuples(x): prev_tuple = list(x[0]) parsed = [] for i in x[1:]: if i[1] == prev_tuple[1]: prev_tuple[0] += i[0] else: parsed.append(tuple(prev_tuple)) prev_tuple = list(i) parsed.append(tuple(prev_tuple)) return … Read more

[Solved] Functional programming in JS

I’m assuming that you’re familiar with Haskell since you’re using Haskell idioms. You have the following functions: getLine :: () -> IO String — why isn’t this simply `getLine :: IO String`? cat :: String -> Task Error String The first thing you want to do is get rid of the superfluous function wrapping the … Read more

[Solved] How does “Stream” in java8 work?

abstract class ReferencePipeline<P_IN, P_OUT> extends AbstractPipeline<P_IN, P_OUT, Stream<P_OUT>> implements Stream<P_OUT> … It’s ReferencePipeline that implements them. For example: @Override public final boolean anyMatch(Predicate<? super P_OUT> predicate) { return evaluate(MatchOps.makeRef(predicate, MatchOps.MatchKind.ANY)); } 2 solved How does “Stream” in java8 work?