[Solved] Is it possible to reverse MD5? [duplicate]

MD5 is a cryptographic hash function. Cryptographic hashes are one way functions. You cannot reverse a cryptographic hash value, but you can brute force messages to find one. Brute forcing means trying all possible input strings and then checking if the hash value is correct. This is possible because cryptographic hashes are also computationally unique. … Read more

[Solved] Write this Scala Matrix multiplication in Haskell [duplicate]

It’ll be perfectly safe with a smart constructor and stored dimensions. Of course there are no natural implementations for the operations signum and fromIntegral (or maybe a diagonal matrix would be fine for the latter). module Matrix (Matrix(),matrix,matrixTranspose) where import Data.List (transpose) data Matrix a = Matrix {matrixN :: Int, matrixM :: Int, matrixElems :: … Read more

[Solved] Scala, Akka, Lagom, Play, Reactive and Microservices [closed]

The question is a bit too broad to answer it here. But Jonas BonĂ©r, the creator of Akka, explores the relationship between Microservices and Reactive Systems in his free ebook “Reactive Microservices Architecture“, why don’t you read that for a start. Akka is a library/tookit, it’s more low-level and doesn’t guide you towards using certain … Read more

[Solved] How to get answer from this Spark Scala program for Input : s= ‘aaabbbccaabb’ Output : 3a3b2c2a2b

You can foldLeft over the input string, with a state of List[(Char, Int)]. Note that if you use Map[Char, Int], all occurrences of each character would be added up, weather they’re beside each other or not. s.foldLeft(List.empty[(Char, Int)]) { case (Nil, newChar) => (newChar, 1) :: Nil case (list@(headChar, headCount) :: tail, newChar) => if … Read more

[Solved] How can i make a for loop with if else and make the good return type

Your use of for does not behave as you expect. You’re using this for-comprehension: for (data <- category(i)) { if (data.startsWith(x)) true else false } This expression “desugars” into (i.e. is shorthand for): category(i).foreach(data => { if (data.startsWith(x)) true else false }) foreach returns Unit, and therefore the type of this expression (and the type … Read more

[Solved] To check whether my list fulfils the parameters set out in nested loop in scala function

You can use pattern matching to determine which type of Array you’re dealing with. def arrTest[A](a :Array[A]) :Boolean = a match { case sa :Array[String] => sa.length < 2 || sa.sliding(2).forall(x => x(0) < x(1)) case ia :Array[Int] => ia.length > 2 && ia(0) == 1 && ia(1) == 1 && ia.sliding(3).forall(x => x(0) + … Read more

[Solved] Remove symbol “/” at start and end of string

A regex is not necessary: “/text/text/text/” stripPrefix “https://stackoverflow.com/” stripSuffix “https://stackoverflow.com/” or if you know they’re always there: “/text/text/text/”.tail.init 0 solved Remove symbol “/” at start and end of string

[Solved] Scala groupBy to map from list [closed]

Given List: val myList = List( “IDENTIFIER, a, b, c”, “IDENTIFIER, d, e, f”, “INFORMATION, a, b, c”, “INFORMATION, d, e, f” ) Using, myList.map(_.split(“,”)).groupBy(_.head).mapValues(_.map(_.tail.mkString(” “).trim)) In Scala REPL: scala> myList.map(_.split(“,”)).groupBy(_.head).mapValues(_.map(_.tail.mkString(” “).trim)) res91: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,List[String]] = Map(IDENTIFIER -> List(a b c, d e f), INFORMATION -> List(a b c, d e f)) scala> 0 solved Scala … Read more

[Solved] Given the file path find the file extension using Scala?

You could achieve this as follows: import java.nio.file.Paths val path = “/home/gmc/exists.csv” val fileName = Paths.get(path).getFileName // Convert the path string to a Path object and get the “base name” from that path. val extension = fileName.toString.split(“\\.”).last // Split the “base name” on a . and take the last element – which is the extension. … Read more