[Solved] Is it possible to reverse MD5? [duplicate]

MD5 is a cryptographic hash function. Cryptographic hashes are one way functions. You cannot reverse a cryptographic hash value, but you can brute force messages to find one. Brute forcing means trying all possible input strings and then checking if the hash value is correct. This is possible because cryptographic hashes are also computationally unique. … Read more

[Solved] MD5 with more than one parameter [closed]

Try this, basically you can concatenate the three strings as a single string and use the combined string as the input for the md5 function >>> import hashlib >>> value1 = “value1” >>> value2 = “value2” >>> value3 = “value3” >>> hashlib.md5(value1 + value2 + value3).hexdigest() ‘ceba206ca4802a60ca07a411905111b8’ solved MD5 with more than one parameter [closed]

[Solved] Porting MD5 from node.js to go [closed]

If you only need the standard md5 algorithm, here’s how to use it in go, as noted in the documentation: import ( “fmt” “crypto/md5” “io” ) func main() { h := md5.New() io.WriteString(h, “The fog is getting thicker!”) io.WriteString(h, “And Leon’s getting laaarger!”) fmt.Printf(“%x”, h.Sum(nil)) } If you need an md5 function that returns a … Read more

[Solved] Convert VB.NET code to PHP

There is already a inbuilt function to calculate the MD5 Hash of file in PHP. md5_file($filename) Example #1 Usage example of md5_file() <?php $file=”php-5.3.0alpha2-Win32-VC9-x64.zip”; echo ‘MD5 file hash of ‘ . $file . ‘: ‘ . md5_file($file); ?> or if you need to find the MD5 Has for a string then http://php.net/manual/en/function.md5.php <?php $str=”apple”; echo … Read more

[Solved] mysql can not compare data and parse it with php

Hope it helps you, $num = mysql_num_rows($result); instead of $num = $result1->num_rows; mysql_fetch_object($result) instead of mysql_fetch_object($result1) <?php if (!$x) { echo “<script type=”text/javascript”>document.location.href=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20008385/index.php”;</script>”; } else { $con = mysql_connect(‘localhost’, ‘userdb’, ‘pwd’) or die(mysql_error()); $db = mysql_select_db(‘dbname’, $con) or die(mysql_error()); $result = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `md5pwd` = ‘”. $x .”‘”); $num = mysql_num_rows($result); if($num … Read more

[Solved] MD5 to String Convert Logic [closed]

There is not a way to “decrypt” md5 to it’s original string, as it is a one way hashing algorithm. Imagine you taking a small video maybe 100MB big, and making an MD5 hash out of it, how in the world would you get that back from a 32 Byte string? Or in your case … Read more

[Solved] Make MD5 raw in JavaScript

since you already have the hex, just use a hex2bin function, var m = hex2bin(md5(post_data)); / function hex2bin (s) { // discuss at: http://locutus.io/php/hex2bin/ // original by: Dumitru Uzun (http://duzun.me) // example 1: hex2bin(‘44696d61’) // returns 1: ‘Dima’ // example 2: hex2bin(’00’) // returns 2: ‘\x00’ // example 3: hex2bin(‘2f1q’) // returns 3: false var … Read more