[Solved] hash it!! wrong answer, can’t figure out [closed]

You’ve been tasked with implementing a hashtable — this involves defining data types and functions to manipulate those types. I have no idea what you’re doing. First define a hashtable — do this by defining two types; one table type and one slot type. typedef struct table table; typedef struct slot slot; The table is … Read more

[Solved] Is it possible to reverse MD5? [duplicate]

MD5 is a cryptographic hash function. Cryptographic hashes are one way functions. You cannot reverse a cryptographic hash value, but you can brute force messages to find one. Brute forcing means trying all possible input strings and then checking if the hash value is correct. This is possible because cryptographic hashes are also computationally unique. … Read more

[Solved] Compare keys of array in RUBY

I corrected your code also as per your need, and solved further, $ArrayX = [8349310431,8349314513] $ArrayY = [667984788,667987788] $ArrayZ = [148507632380,153294624079] $range_map = $ArrayX.zip([$ArrayY.map(&:to_i), $ArrayZ.map(&:to_i)].transpose).sort $ArrayX = [8349310431,8349314513] => [8349310431, 8349314513] $ArrayY = [667984788,667987788] => [667984788, 667987788] $ArrayZ = [148507632380,153294624079] => [148507632380, 153294624079] $range_map = Hash[$ArrayX.zip([$ArrayY.map(&:to_i), $ArrayZ.map(&:to_i)].transpose).sort] => {8349310431=>[667984788, 148507632380], 8349314513=>[667987788, 153294624079]} keys = $range_map.keys … Read more

[Solved] How to access a HashMap from another class

Either make the information available by using statics (not recommended), use some kind of database (could be as simple as a text file) or pass an Intent along with your Activity. A nice tutorial on adding information to an Intent is found here: http://startandroid.ru/en/lessons/complete-list/241-lesson-28-extras-passing-data-using-intent.html 0 solved How to access a HashMap from another class

[Solved] Distinction between a data structure’s members being stored by hash value and by index [closed]

Arrays are allocated as single, large blocks of memory and entries are accessed by their indexes. The order of entries is fixed and they need have no particular identity apart from their position in the array. Other more complex data structures allow one to store objects identified and accessed using some sort of key. (Hash … Read more

[Solved] ruby how to sort this Hash of Arrays [closed]

What is looks like is that you actually have a hash containing some Arrays. Cleaning it up I assume it should look something like this: hash = {:time_frame=>”Today”, :locations=>[“Tampa”, “Atlanta”, “California”, “Georgia”, “South Lake Union”], :local_totals=>[10000.0, 30,000, 70000, 50000, :expenses=>[2000, 10000, 4000, 6000]} Assuming that is correct, you can do something like this to solve … Read more

[Solved] How to merge values of a single hash?

You need to join the values in a string: “#{address[‘house_number’]} #{address[‘street_name’]},\n#{address[‘city’]},\n#{address[‘post_code’]}” You could also improve the formatting by making this a helper method, and using a HEREDOC: def formatted_address(address) <<~ADDRESS #{address[‘house_number’]} #{address[‘street_name’]}, #{address[‘city’]}, #{address[‘post_code’]} ADDRESS end Usage: address = { “house_number” => 20, “street_name” => “Mount Park Road”, “city” => “Greenfield”, “post_code” => “WD1 8DC” … Read more

[Solved] Reversible Hash in C#

The most space efficient way to store binary data is to store it as bytes. The only way you may get it even shorter is via compression. But for 92 Characters that will not amount to much. As for Base64: There are cases where we are forced to transmit binary data over a medium not … Read more

[Solved] Implementing with quadratic probing [closed]

With this code you are doing linear probing index = hash(entry.key); while (!is_vacant(index)) index = next_index(index); template <class RecordType> inline std::size_t table<RecordType>::next_index(std::size_t index) const // Library facilities used: cstdlib { return ((index+1) % CAPACITY); } Say your map is nearly full and hash returns 23, then the next slots you are going to test will … Read more

[Solved] hash inside liste of hash extracted from array [closed]

I’m not sure what exactly you want to do, but you can try the following: arr = [“Japan”, “Egypt”, “Spain”, “Brazil”] arr.each { |a| Object.const_set(a, Hash.new(a)) } #initialize hashes Country = arr.map {|a| [a, 0]}.to_h #=> {“Japan”=>0, “Egypt”=>0, “Spain”=>0, “Brazil”=>0} or Country = Hash[arr.map {|a| [a, 0]}] #=> {“Japan”=>0, “Egypt”=>0, “Spain”=>0, “Brazil”=>0} Note: Ruby variables … Read more