[Solved] What is the process of this program written in Python?

It seems you are new to the world of programming. “sys.argv” is used to take Command Line Arguments. when you run as “python sample.py”, the variable sys.argv will be a single element list i.e. [“sample.py”] len(sys.argv) is 1 in this case The Expected Working of the program is: when you run as “python sample.py fileToRead.txt”, … Read more

[Solved] What will be the output in C? [duplicate]

Warning, long winded answer ahead. Edited to reference the C standard and to be clearer and more concise with respect to the question being asked. The correct answer for why you have 32 has been given a few times. Explaining the math using modular arithmetic is completely correct but might make it a little harder … Read more

[Solved] How to write ”Listed Records” in a text file? [closed]

To keep records in a file, you write them to the file: fwrite(&variable, 1, sizeof(record), file_pointer); To read a record from a file: fread(&variable, 1, sizeof(record), file_pointer); To position to record Y in the file: fseek(file_pointer, (Y * sizeof(record)), SEEK_SET); If this is not helpful, please clarify “keep in a file”, or state why it … Read more

[Solved] python: index of list1 equal to index of list2 [duplicate]

well what the comments said and change it like the following too : id = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] name = [‘sarah’, ‘john’, ‘mark’, ‘james’, ‘jack’] userid = int(input(‘enter user ID: ‘)) if userid in id: ind = id.index(userid) #notice this statement is inside the if and not outside print(name[ind]) else: print(“wrong id”) … Read more

[Solved] How do we make Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio behave in a More Prompt Manner?

Other than the number of rows affected by a query, you can also display the the steps that your database server actually performed to execute your query. This is often called the “execution plan”. In SQL Server Management Studio, you can select the Include Actual Execution Plan (Ctrl+M) option prior to executing your query. Following … Read more

[Solved] How do I import data from a class C#

This code returns ordered names of all men in collection: public static IEnumerable<string> OrderedMales(IEnumerable<Person> persons) { return persons.Where(p => p.Sex == Gender.Male).OrderBy(p => p.Name).Select(p => p.Name); } 0 solved How do I import data from a class C#

[Solved] Transfer data between angular components using @input and @output [duplicate]

you just need use property binding to pass the data to child component settings component template <app-user-profile [data]=”userSettings”></app-user-profile> userProfile.ts @Input() data:any; now the value from the userSettings will pass to the data property. 15 solved Transfer data between angular components using @input and @output [duplicate]

[Solved] how to modify the output [closed]

While this code is not pretty to do what your’re looking to do you need to change these lines if num>0: l+='”‘+ str(k) + ‘”=’ + str(num)+’ ‘ True if True: lst+=[l] If you change it to something like if num>0: l+='”‘+ str(k) + ‘”=’ + str(num)+’ ‘ flag = True if flag: lst+=[l] and … Read more

[Solved] Output of program unable to display correctly in Java [closed]

Its a basic integer divison problem Integer division: How do you produce a double? Either change int maxDays, days; to double maxDays, days; or change your calculate method from: attendancePercentage=(days/maxDays)*100; to: attendancePercentage = ((double) days / (double) maxDays) * 100;` solved Output of program unable to display correctly in Java [closed]

[Solved] Input from a file [closed]

You can read all data at a moment: with open(input_file, ‘r’, encoding=’utf-8′) as f: data = f.read() You can read all data line-by-line: with open(input_file, ‘r’, encoding=’utf-8′) as f: for line in f.readlines(): # todo smth solved Input from a file [closed]

[Solved] Non-scalar in Uniform output error in arrayfun. How to fix?

The error message give you a big hint where to look: Undefined operator ‘+’ for input arguments of type ‘cell’. Error in gbp2/pts (line 36)                    ylist(z) = ylist(z) + arrayfun(@(coor) u(z, coor, mode, w, R,                    Psi),xlist(z).’,’uniformoutput’,false); From the documentation for arrayfun and the ‘UniformOutput’ option: Requests that the arrayfun function combine the outputs into cell … Read more