[Solved] What are the Min and Max variable names length from one million variable names in C++? [closed]

The first character in an identifier must be a-z, A-Z, or underscore, for 53 possibilities. Subsequent characters can be digits 0-9 too, for 63 possibilities. So n characters give 53 * (63**(n-1)) legal identifiers: Length Names 1 53 2 3339 3 210357 // much less than 1000000 4 13252491 // much more than 1000000 Some … Read more

[Solved] select id by the min and max (sql) [closed]

You can use the MAX() and MIN() function to get the ids having largest and the id having smallest discount. Select id,discount from customer where discount=(select MAX(discount) from customer) OR discount=(select MIN(discount) from customer); 3 solved select id by the min and max (sql) [closed]

[Solved] Does C++ standardize the behavior of std::optional under std::min and std::max?

Is something like what I expected standardized in C++17 No. , or proposed for standardization later? There is no such proposal in any of the mailings. Though of course there’s plenty of easy workarounds, so there’s little reason for such a proposal: oy ? std::max(x,*oy) : x; x < oy ? *oy : x *std::max(oint(x), … Read more

[Solved] Python miminum length/max value in dictionary of lists

def get_smallest_length(x): return [k for k in x.keys() if len(x.get(k))==min([len(n) for n in x.values()])] def get_largest_sum(x): return [k for k in x.keys() if sum(x.get(k))==max([sum(n) for n in x.values()])] x = {‘a’: [4, 2], ‘c’: [4, 3], ‘b’: [3, 4], ‘e’: [4], ‘d’: [4, 3], ‘g’: [4], ‘f’: [4]} print get_smallest_length(x) print get_largest_sum(x) Returns: [‘e’, ‘g’, … Read more

[Solved] C++ std::max acting like std::min

The error is that you are re-using the teleportation_start_position variable. teleportation_start_position = min(teleportation_start_position, teleportation_end_position); Before this line the state of your program is: teleportation_start_position = 8 teleportation_end_position = 2 But after, it is: teleportation_start_position = 2 teleportation_end_position = 2 So in the next line you are doing: teleportation_end_position = max(teleportation_start_position, teleportation_end_position); // teleportation_end_position = max(2, … Read more

[Solved] C++’s min_element() not working for array [closed]

Note, that std::min_element() returns an iterator to a minimal value, not the value itself. I doubt that you get this error based on the above code alone: assuming proper include directives and using directives the code compiles OK although it would print the address of the minimum element rather than its value. Most likely your … Read more

[Solved] Python: max & min functions

As per the ASCII table Capital letters points to decimal 65 to 90 (65-90 → A-Z ) Small letters points to decimal 97-122 (97-122 → a-z) so, max value = o (decimal 111) min value = W (decimal 87) ASCII table for your reference 1 solved Python: max & min functions

[Solved] Min/Max Values of an Array

Methods: public static int getMax(int[] a) and public static int getMin(int[] a) have int[] as their input parameter, but they are later called without any parameters: arr.getMax(); and arr.getMin();. This is the cause of the error you are getting from the compiler. EDIT: You probably want to modify your methods not to be static and … Read more