[Solved] why do i have this infinite for loop

remove below code from toString() Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print(“Enter a name: “); name = in.next(); System.out.print(“Enter a meal: “); mealType = in.next(); You are already reading these from the for loop. Also, your do-while loop is all wrong. The condition doesn’t make sense. It should be option > 0 && option <4 3 … Read more

[Solved] for(++i;++i;++i) the second argument is < or

In the second argument it is actually ++i!=0, The loop is interpreted as for(++i;++i!=0;++i) If you start with a positive i or 0, it will be an infinite loop and will invoke undefined behavior when i reaches INT_MAX. If i was -Ve initially the loop may stop at a defined run. EDIT: As you changed … Read more

[Solved] what does this loop means: for(j,0,np) [closed]

Okay. Thanks to @AshishJohn this question is now solvable. In the provided link you can see a define in the beginning which changes the syntax of for loops: #define for(i,a,b) for(i=a;i<b; i++) So for(j,0,np) will be converted by the preprocessor to: for (j=0; j<np; j++) which is a normal for loop. np is also declared … Read more

[Solved] array inside function

#include<stdio.h> #define MAX_SIZE_ALLOTED_TO_EACH_QUESTION 100 #define NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS 10 int scoreList[NUMBER_OF_QUESTIONS]; // This array will contain the individual score for each answers to respective questions int i; void Extroversion(int scoreList[]){ // Let formula for this be E = 20 +(1)___-(3)___+(2)___-(4)___ int E = 20 + (scoreList[1] + scoreList[2]) – (scoreList[3] + scoreList[4]); printf(“\nExtroversion is the personality trait … Read more

[Solved] I keep getting java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5! How do I fix this? [closed]

Based on what you’ve shown: testNum is greater than scores.length. This means that when you traverse the array by comparing your iterator (i) to testNum rather than its actual length, you will hit indexes which don’t exist. For example, let’s say testNum = 8 and scores.length = 5. Then in your code, you will get … Read more

[Solved] The for while statement won’t repeat

Can u try this ? I added to logical solution to code.I changed only starting game and ending game properties’s lines. public class ChoHan { public static void main(String[] args) { final int MAX_ROUNDS = 5; String player1Name; String player2Name; Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(System.in); char repeat; do { System.out.println(” Enter the first player name … Read more

[Solved] Populate heading each row in JavaScript

Basically, what you’re trying to do is group your data by group property, and then form some HTML out of it. Grouping is easy, then just use whatever language you’re comfortable with to build the html: const list = [{ ‘name’: ‘Display’, ‘group’: ‘Technical details’, ‘id’: ’60’, ‘value’: ‘Something’ }, { ‘name’: ‘Manufacturer’, ‘group’: ‘Manufacturer’, … Read more

[Solved] Better to have ajax inside or outside for-loop or for-loop at the server side? Javascript [closed]

In general, if you need to load a bunch of small data, its better to have one server endpoint that returns the all the data. It’s simpler for the client side and avoids the overhead of many xhrs. If you have 100 tags, do you really want to invoke 100 xhrs to get them all, … Read more

[Solved] Assign line numbers to items in text

The question may be a case of “I have X and I need Y” where X is the item which needs attention. If the string really is as you presented it, then Imports System.Text Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim s = “{ “”0″”:{“”variable1″”:””ABC1″”,””variable2″”:””AA””,””variable3″”:””BB””}, “”5″”:{“”variable1″”:””ABC2″”,””variable2″”:””AA””,””variable3″”:””BB””}, “”3″”:{“”variable1″”:””BC3″”,””variable2″”:””AA””,””variable3″”:””BB””}, “”1″”:{“”variable1″”:””DC4″”,””variable2″”:””AA””,””variable3″”:””BB””}, “”4″”:{“”variable1″”:””DD5″”,””variable2″”:””AA””,””variable3″”:””BB””} }” Dim t = s.Split({vbCrLf}, StringSplitOptions.None) Dim u … Read more