[Solved] Why this piece is outputting NAN (Not a Number)?

#define SQUARE(x) (x*x) may results in a negative value, e.g. cout << SQUARE(-1-2) << endl; gets resolved in -1 – 2*-1 – 2 and produces -1. It is much better to avoid macros, but if you use this one, make it #define SQUARE(x) ((x)*(x)) solved Why this piece is outputting NAN (Not a Number)?

[Solved] I keep getting java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5! How do I fix this? [closed]

Based on what you’ve shown: testNum is greater than scores.length. This means that when you traverse the array by comparing your iterator (i) to testNum rather than its actual length, you will hit indexes which don’t exist. For example, let’s say testNum = 8 and scores.length = 5. Then in your code, you will get … Read more

[Solved] NullPointerException Runtimer Error [closed]

The problem is here: contentPane.add(textPane, BorderLayout.CENTER); At this point, you haven’t set up textPane. You set it up 4 lines later: textPane = new JTextPane(); textPane.setBackground(Color.DARK_GRAY); textPane.setEditable(false); textPane.setMargin(null); textPane.setContentType(“text/html”); You need to add it to the pane after initializing. Simple debugging would have fixed this problem for you. SO is not an appropriate place for … Read more