[Solved] Loop through ID starting with speciific string [closed]

You can do it with document.querySelectorAll() and with for loop like follows: var nodes = document.querySelectorAll(‘[id^=name_]’); for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { console.log(nodes[i].innerHTML); } <div id=”name_a”>aaa</div> <div id=”name_b”>bbb</div> Please note: with nodes.forEach you will get an exeption “Uncaught TypeError: nodes.forEach is not a function” because nodes is a NodeList and not an … Read more

[Solved] Euler Project – Greatest prime factor computational power can’t handle my script [closed]

Following up on my suggestion in a comment – re-work your algorithm to reduce the amount of number crunching: #include <iostream> #include <math.h> int main() { const long long int num_in = 600851475143; long long int curr = num_in; while(true){ const long long int sr = static_cast<long long int>(sqrt(static_cast<long double>(curr))); long long int i = … Read more

[Solved] Whats Happening in this for loop? [closed]

It is simple: Address = Address.concat(String.valueOf(i)); Address initailly had a whatever value: In your for loop you are appending the i current value, but you don’t delete the previous value! So it is going to as 5.20.86. and 012345678910 than 012345678910 11 12 13 14 and so on. I hope it is a … Read more

[Solved] why for loop is taking too much time in given java code

my problem is resoled by following code : String extractText(String s) throws IOException { String html = fj.toHtmlString(s); String filtered_text=””; System.out.println(“extracted \n\n”); html=html.replaceAll(“(?i)</strong>”, “”); html=html.replaceAll(“(?i)<strong[^>]*>”, “”); filtered_text = html; long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); System.out.println(“loop end in “+(end-start)/1000+” seconds”+” or “+(end-start)+” miliseconds”);//System.out.println(++i2+” th loop end in “+(end-start)/1000+” seconds”); return filtered_text; } solved why for loop is … Read more

[Solved] Why does my if else in this code doesn’t work? are we can not put if else inside another looping or is just my laptop that doesn’t work? [closed]

Why does my if else in this code doesn’t work? are we can not put if else inside another looping or is just my laptop that doesn’t work? [closed] solved Why does my if else in this code doesn’t work? are we can not put if else inside another looping or is just my laptop … Read more