[Solved] Better to have ajax inside or outside for-loop or for-loop at the server side? Javascript [closed]

In general, if you need to load a bunch of small data, its better to have one server endpoint that returns the all the data. It’s simpler for the client side and avoids the overhead of many xhrs. If you have 100 tags, do you really want to invoke 100 xhrs to get them all, … Read more

[Solved] Java – interface -instsnceof

JLS 15.20.2 states: If a cast of the RelationalExpression to the ReferenceType would be rejected as a compile-time error (ยง15.16), then the instanceof relational expression likewise produces a compile-time error. In such a situation, the result of the instanceof expression could never be true. In this case (Intf) obj is not a compile time error … Read more

[Solved] How would I go about implementing this Java interface?

See “What is an Interface?” http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/concepts/interface.html This will hopefully get you started with the basics you’re looking for. The start of the implementation would look something like the following… class Politician implements Speaker { public void speak() { // Method implementation } public void announce (String str) { // Method implementation } } class Lecturer … Read more