[Solved] find and differentiate words in javascript [closed]

If it is about the longest possible matching (sub)string, thus the most specific one, the task actually can be solved pretty easy. sort the array descending by each of its string-item’s length property. Iterate the array … for each string item, try whether it is included within the given text. Stop iterating with the first … Read more

[Solved] How can I make a two page search filter function using JavaScript? [closed]

By passing the data from Page1.html through get method and retrieve it on Page2.html, you can do like following Page1.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <form action=”Page2.html” method=”get”> <select name=”color” > <option>Blue</option> <option>Red</option> </select> <br><br> <select name=”shape” > <option>Square</option> <option>Circle</option> </select> <br><br> <input type=”submit” /> </form> </body> </html> Page2.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <style> .RedSquare{width:200px;height:200px;background:red;} .BlueSquare{width:200px;height:200px;background:blue;} … Read more

[Solved] Angular 5 -> Inputfield from Arrayentry

Okay, reviewing your HTML-template I’d suggest the following solution: extend your nagelpaletten-model by adding the field bestellmenge or just menge. e.g. export class nagelpaletten { constructor( bestellmenge: number, PKArtikelID: string, laenge: number, Gewicht: number, ME: number, Preis: number ) {} } Maybe your model is structured a little differently but mine is just supposed to … Read more

[Solved] how to filter current array using another array

You can filter an array of Hotels to only keep hotels that contain a RoomPrice whose roomType property is present in an array of RoomFilter using two nested contains(where:) calls inside your filter, one searching Hotel.prices and the other one searching roomFilters to see if there is at least a single common element between the … Read more

[Solved] How can I another filter for score which will show the results matching the range?

Add one more else if to your code: else if (key === “score”) { const low = filters[key] === “20” && user[“score”] <= filters[key]; const medium = filters[key] === “50” && user[“score”] < 50 && user[“score”] >= 21; const high = filters[key] === “70” && user[“score”] < 70 && user[“score”] >= 51; const veryHigh = … Read more

[Solved] How to get specific value of an dictionary

Using LINQ is the best option here. If you want access your class in regular loop, it will be like this: foreach (KeyValuePair<string, MYCLASS> entry in MyDic) { // Value is in: entry.Value and key in: entry.Key foreach(string language in ((MYCLASS)entry.Value).Language) { //Do sth with next language… } } 1 solved How to get specific … Read more

[Solved] How to filter a dropdown list based on a already pre selected list

jQuery Get the selected country and then find the <option> using attribute-equals-selector and hide the siblings $(function () { var country = $(‘.selected’).data(‘country’); $(‘#CountryCode’).find(‘[value=”‘ + country + ‘”]’).siblings().hide(); $(‘#CountryCode’).val(country); }); HTML Add data-* attribute to the html elements <ul> <li data-country=”ARG”>Argentina</li> <li data-country=”USA” class=”selected”>United States</li> <li data-country=”AUS”>Australia</li> </ul> DEMO 1 solved How to filter a … Read more

[Solved] How to filter an array with multiple parameters

You don’t have pageTypeId property in the object. Because of that, i changed this property to id in the statement, and if you want filter value 1 or 2, i used || characters. Maybe you will edit your code like this, it will work. let tmpArray = [{“id”:”1″},{“id”:”2″},{“id”:”2″},{“id”:”3″},{“id”:”3″}]; this.nodes = tmpArray.filter(x => { return x.id.toString() … Read more