[Solved] How to prove two strings are equal

Introduction When programming, it is often necessary to compare two strings to determine if they are equal. This can be done in a variety of ways, depending on the language and the context. In this article, we will discuss how to prove two strings are equal in various programming languages. We will look at the … Read more

[Solved] combining two arrays in specific format

Should work with arrays of any length. let arr = [{‘test’ : 1}, {‘test1’ : 2}, {‘test2’: 3}, {‘test3’: 4}]; let arr1 = [{‘testdo’: 5}, {‘testdo1’: 6}, {‘testdo2’: 7}, {‘testdo3’: 8}]; let arr3 = []; let max = Math.max(arr.length, arr1.length); for (let i=0; i < max; i++) { if (arr.length > i) { arr3.push(arr[i]); } … Read more

[Solved] difference between variables in typescript

Regarding your updated code: const limit = !options.limit || options.limit === NaN ? 0 : options.limit If options.limit is falsy, this will set limit = 0. Else, it will use options.limit The second condition is not required because NaN is a falsy value. It is already covered in !options.limit condition. Also, options.limit === NaN is … Read more

[Solved] What is the required type argument?

What is the required type argument? When something needs a generic and isn’t provided. E.g. class Foo<T>{ data:T } class Bar extends Foo { } // Missing generic argument Fix Provide the generic argument e.g. class Foo<T>{ data:T } class Bar extends Foo<number> { } 2 solved What is the required type argument?

[Solved] HTML5 programming questions [closed]

why to choose PHP/ASP.NET over client side programming Server side rendering vs. client side rendering. Server side: great for SEO + static content. Client side: great for dynamic interactive apps. The lines are blurry however. Can I call typescript code from javascript code? Yes. TypeScript is compiled to JavaScript and can be used from JavaScript. … Read more

[Solved] How to remove an item in an array in if else statement [closed]

There are many options how you can delete an element from the array. Look at the snippet below, there you can find examples with filter, slice and splice array methods for removing items. class TimeFilter { onHourChange(hours) { const noZeroMinutes = item => !(hours === 0 && item.value === 0); this.minuteOptions = [ { value: … Read more

[Solved] Switch with specific type in TypeScript not working

Just replace your object with an enum, that’s what they’re for: export enum APP_STATUS { CONFIRMED, INCONSISTENCIES, SUCCESS, ERROR, LOADING, OK, } export interface Inconsistency {}; export interface InconsistenciesLoading { type: APP_STATUS.LOADING; } export interface InconsistenciesError { type: APP_STATUS.ERROR; } export interface InconsistenciesSuccess { type: APP_STATUS.SUCCESS; } export interface InconsistenciesData { type: APP_STATUS.INCONSISTENCIES; data: Inconsistency[]; … Read more

[Solved] Array of objects containing objects to flat object array

this should work: const all = [ { “a”: “Content A”, “b”: { “1”: “Content 1”, “2”: “Content 2” } }, { “y”: “Content Y”, “x”: { “3”: “Content 3”, “4”: “Content 4” } }, ]; console.log(all.reduce((prev, el) =>{ let curr = Object.entries(el); let k1 = curr[0][0]; let k2 = curr[1][0]; Object.entries(curr[1][1]).forEach((o => { let … Read more

[Solved] Get dropdown values using angular [closed]

You should use [(ngModel)]. For this, first you map your persons adding to properties “check” and “test”. When you get the data, use “map” to add the properties this.http.get(dataUrl).subscribe(response => { this.persons = response.data.map(x=>({…x,check:false,test:’test’})); this.dtTrigger.next(); }); Then you can change your .html, see how to disable you use [disabled]=”!person.check?true:null”and the [(ngModel)]=”person.check” and [(ngModel)]=”person.test” <tr *ngFor=”let … Read more

[Solved] Smart assuming of variable type

You can use https://www.typescriptlang.org/docs/handbook/2/narrowing.html#using-type-predicates But you need to pass the variable const isLoaded = (response: ResponseData | undefined): response is ResponseData => { // some complex logic to check if the data is loaded and correct return !isLoading && !!data && Object.keys(data).length > 0 } return ( <> <div>My data title:</div> {isLoaded(data) && <div>{data.title}</div>} // … Read more