[Solved] how to add checkbox in select option in php?

I’m not sure I understand the principle of putting a checkbox in a list. If this is to select all default item, you may use the lists multipe with the selected option on the option tags <select multiple size=”10″> … <option selected=”selected” value=”<?=$row[‘first_name’]?>”><?=$row[‘last_name’]?></option> …. good luck 🙂 solved how to add checkbox in select option … Read more

[Solved] how to remove excess data in javascript array [closed]

Your selector is considering all the checkboxes on the page which are checked so the extra values are of some other checkboxes, instead use .map on input:checkbox:checked[name=”lecture”] $(‘#separate_course_list’).on(“change”, “:checkbox”, function () { var values = $(‘input:checkbox:checked[name=”lecture”]’).map(function () { return this.value; }).get(); // [“1”, “2”, “4”] $(“input[name=”comment”]”).val(values); //this input saves array }); 4 solved how to … Read more

[Solved] Set checked checkbox from array [closed]

Try this code – <?php $all_data = [“admin”,”member”,”editor”]; $selected = [“admin”,”member”]; foreach($all_data as $value) { $checked = in_array($value, $selected) ? ‘checked=”checked”‘ : ”; echo ‘<input type=”checkbox” name=”chk[]” value=”‘ . $value .'” ‘ . $checked . ‘>’; } ?> solved Set checked checkbox from array [closed]

[Solved] How to change property of checkboxes from a checkbox?

You can try using JQUERY, put this in your head tag : <head> <script src=”https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23381099/jquery-1.11.0.min.js”></script> </head> Then below your head, to set Checked: function setChecked(string checkbox) { $(“#” + checkbox).prop(‘checked’, true); } to Uncheck: function setChecked(string checkbox) { $(“#” + checkbox).prop(‘checked’, false); } Call these methods in your PHP. Good luck. 1 solved How to … Read more

[Solved] if(checkbox.Checked){} issues [duplicate]

Checked is an event (that’s why an exception is being thrown when your code looks for an handler subscription, MSDN reference), IsChecked is a Boolean and it’s probably the property you are looking for (MSDN reference). Your code should look like this: private void button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if ((bool)checkBox1.IsChecked) Console.Write(“Checked”); } 5 solved … Read more

[Solved] Using jQuery to validate checkboxes and input text values

This might get you started. You can make the field validation as complex or simple as you wish. $(‘input[type=checkbox]’).click(function(){ var tmp = $(this).next(‘input’).val(); //validate tmp, for example: if (tmp.length > 1){ //alert(‘Text field has a value’); $(‘#mybutt’).prop(‘disabled’,false); }else{ //alert(‘Please provide a long value in text field’); $(‘#mybutt’).prop(‘disabled’, true); $(this).prop(‘checked’,false); } }); <script src=”https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js”></script> <input id=”mybutt” … Read more

[Solved] Select checkboxes on the basis of previously selected checkbox

ok, so here you go: $(document).ready(function(){ $(document).find(‘input[name^=”checkBoxName”]’).click(function() { var class_name = $(this).attr(‘class’); $(document).find(‘input[name^=”checkBoxName”]’).not(‘.’+class_name).attr(‘disabled’, $(this).is(‘:checked’)); }); }); 7 solved Select checkboxes on the basis of previously selected checkbox

[Solved] Setting Checkbox Options C++ [closed]

How can I give the CreateWindowW function multiple strings for multiple checkboxes? CreateWindow() can only create 1 window/control per call. You will have to manually split up the strings and then call CreateWindow() separately for each individual checkbox. Assuming your vector<string> contains the checkbox strings, you can pass the vector to your window via the … Read more

[Solved] Having issues in filtering with product list with data attributes

Here is the JS code you need to modify: var a=$(“input.brand”); var b=$(“input.store”); var brand=new Array(); var store=new Array(); $(‘input[type=”checkbox”]’).change(function(){ if($(this).is(“:checked”)){ $(‘#prod >div’).hide(); if(this.className == “brand”){ console.debug(“brand checked”); brand.push($(this).attr(‘id’)); }else if(this.className == “store”){ console.debug(“store checked”); store.push($(this).attr(‘id’)); } console.log(brand+”,”+store); displaydivs(brand,store); }else{ $(‘#prod >div’).show(); if(this.className == “brand”){ var index = brand.indexOf($(this).attr(‘id’)); if (index > -1) { brand.splice(index, … Read more

[Solved] Search textbox using checkbox in Javascript

You can use something like this: $(‘:checkbox’).on(‘change’, function() { if ($(this).is(‘:checked’)) { $(“.content”).addClass(“highlight”); } else { $(“.content”).removeClass(“highlight”); } }); And in the CSS you need to have: .highlight {background: #99f;} Snippet $(function () { text = “Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Incidunt repellat sint eligendi adipisci consequuntur perspiciatis voluptate sunt id, unde … Read more