[Solved] How can I apply a ring-shaped median filter to an image in matlab? [closed]

you can use ordfilt2 . For example, if your “ring” is just defined by: ring= fspecial(‘gaussian’,21,1) ring = ring>eps & ring<1e-9 then: order=sum(ring(:))/2; B = ordfilt2(A,order,ring); replaces each element in A by the order-th element in the sorted set of neighbors specified by the nonzero elements in the ring domain. Here I chose ‘order’ to … Read more

[Solved] Elliptic Filter Code [closed]

If you use e.g. MATLAB to design your filter (using e.g. the ellip function), you can take the resulting filter coefficients and very easily implement the filter in software (it’s just a matter of multiplying the float values by the coefficients and following the rational filter equation). 1 solved Elliptic Filter Code [closed]

[Solved] Working with Dates in Spark

So by just creating a quick rdd in the format of the csv-file you describe val list = sc.parallelize(List((“1″,”Timothy”,”04/02/2015″,”100″,”TV”), (“1″,”Timothy”,”04/03/2015″,”10″,”Book”), (“1″,”Timothy”,”04/03/2015″,”20″,”Book”), (“1″,”Timothy”,”04/05/2015″,”10″,”Book”),(“2″,”Ursula”,”04/02/2015″,”100″,”TV”))) And then running import java.time.LocalDate import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter val startDate = LocalDate.of(2015,1,4) val endDate = LocalDate.of(2015,4,5) val result = list .filter{case(_,_,date,_,_) => { val localDate = LocalDate.parse(date, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(“MM/dd/yyyy”)) localDate.isAfter(startDate) && localDate.isBefore(endDate)}} .map{case(id, _, _, … Read more

[Solved] Filter 2D array using another 2D array where differently keyed column values intersect

Here is a way to do it : First, you need to extract the firepack_id you need to look for, then you need to loop through $arr1 and check if Firepack_sn is the same than than one of the firepack_id you extracted before, if yes, then you add it to an array. $arr1 = json_decode(‘[{“Firepack_sn”:”20012205″,”Installation_Date”:””,”Type”:”EH”,”Standard”:”VAS”,”Capacity_m3h”:”81″,”Pressure_bar”:”3,4″,”Rpm”:”2930″,”Power_kw”:”72″,”Pump_Type”:”KSB … Read more

[Solved] Yii2 GridView filter date by year

Maybe you are looking for something like this: add in to your model public static function getYearsList() { $years = (new Query())->select(‘DISTINCT YEAR(`birthday`) as years’)->from(‘{{%yourTable}}’)->column(); return array_combine($years, $years); } and then in gridview [ ‘attribute’ => ‘birthday’, ‘filter’ => YourModel::getYearsList(), ] And then in your search model add andFilterWhere() to compare birthday with year. It … Read more