[Solved] Convert string to Ordered Dictionary [closed]

You can try something like this : input_st = “Field1:’abc’,Field2:’HH:MM:SS’,Field3:’d,b,c'” output_st = {item.split(“:”)[0]:”:”.join(item.split(“:”)[1:]).replace(“‘”, “”) for item in input_st.split(“‘,”)} outputs : {‘Field1’: ‘abc’, ‘Field2’: ‘HH:MM:SS’, ‘Field3’: ‘d,b,c’} Kind of ugly but it does the job. 4 solved Convert string to Ordered Dictionary [closed]

[Solved] Nested for loops extending existing list

The two main concept that you see in the last line are list comprehension and nested loops. Have a look. for understanding better what is going on, we’re going to split that line in simplier part: TENS for tens in “twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety”.split(): print(tens) OUTPUT: twenty thirty forty fifty sixty … Read more

[Solved] Break out of Python for loop

You could just iterate until 5 instead of 6 and print your message out of the loop: for counter in range(5): # Remove the if statement: # if counter == 5: # print(“”) # break myCar.accelerate() time.sleep(1) print(“Maximum speed reached!”) 1 solved Break out of Python for loop

[Solved] Why won’t my python program work?

raw_input returns a string … you cannot square a string (or raise it to any power for that matter) try def square(n): n = int(n) #this will try to force it to be an integer instead of a string … print square(n) beware if a user types “hello” or something though .. as it cannot … Read more

[Solved] How to compute the ratio of Recovered Cases to Confirmed Cases for each nation using pandas in 8 lines [closed]

Computing the ratio Since there are multiple regions in a country, there are duplicated values in the Country_Region column. Therefore, I use groupby to sum the total cases of a nation. ratio = df.groupby(“Country_Region”)[[“Recovered”, “Confirmed”]].sum() ratio[“Ratio”] = ratio[“Recovered”] / ratio[“Confirmed”] Let’s get the first five nations. >>> ratio.head() Recovered Confirmed Ratio Country_Region Afghanistan 41727 52513 … Read more

[Solved] Recodifying values by key of a list of dictionaries

If you already have the helper functions then you only need to loop once through each item of the list and modify all your key:value pairs: for i in list: i[‘key’] = recode_key(i[‘key’]) i[‘anotherkey’] = recode_anotherkey(i[‘key’]) i[‘yetanotherkey’] = recode_yetanotherkey(i[‘key’]) You would need to loop through the list once, touch all the keys that you need, … Read more

[Solved] Regular expression doesn’t produce expected result

You can make use of re.split to split into sections and then look for the [failed] string in the each section: splitted = re.split(r'(\d{1,2})\.(.*)(?= _{3,})’, text) failed = [(splitted[i-2], splitted[i-1]) for i, s in enumerate(splitted) if re.search(r’\[failed\]’, s)] failed # [(‘9’, ‘TX_MULTI_VERIFICATION 2412 DSSS-1 NON_HT BW-20 TX1′), # (’11’, ‘TX_MULTI_VERIFICATION 2472 DSSS-1 NON_HT BW-20 TX1’), … Read more

[Solved] Error while using simple print in Python [closed]

It’s a Python indentation issue. The start of your print line must have the same indentation as the start of the train_accuracy line. Something like this: if i%10 == 0: train_accuracy = sess.run( accuracy, feed_dict={ x:batch[0], y_: batch[1], keep_prob: 1.0}) print(“step %d, training accuracy %g”%(i, train_accuracy)) solved Error while using simple print in Python [closed]

[Solved] Python 3 Regex 8 numbers only

Problem with your current regex wiz r’^[0-9]{8,8}’: {8,8} minimum and maximum length you want is 8 so you can make it exact 8 like {8}, no need to have range Current regex has condition to check beginning of string but you have not defined end of string which can be defined using symbol $ which … Read more