[Solved] Break out of Python for loop

You could just iterate until 5 instead of 6 and print your message out of the loop: for counter in range(5): # Remove the if statement: # if counter == 5: # print(“”) # break myCar.accelerate() time.sleep(1) print(“Maximum speed reached!”) 1 solved Break out of Python for loop

[Solved] Is the code after ‘break’ executed? [closed]

As per the specifications 6.6.1 The break statement [stmt.break] The break statement shall occur only in an iteration-statement or a switch statement and causes termination of the smallest enclosing iteration-statement or switch statement; control passes to the statement following the terminated statement, if any. Hence 1 should not even reach . Some Java compiler might … Read more

[Solved] Break and Continue (C)

Change the condition in your while loop to use == not =. Right now you are making an assignment and not comparing the two meaning the first chars will always be the same and give a score of 1. You can then remove the if statement from inside the loop. The assignment asks you to … Read more

[Solved] How to break out of a while loop in C#. Break not working [closed]

When you enter a number different than 2 you actually read another line which you do not process: if (answer != 2) { Console.WriteLine(“Wrong answer. Press enter to get your next sum”); Console.ReadLine(); } Your confusion could be because of this line. Change it to: if (answer != 2) { Console.WriteLine(“Wrong answer. Press enter to … Read more