[Solved] How to convert 12 hour string into 24 hour datetime? [closed]

The main problem with your format is that Python does not support anything more granular than microseconds, as explained here. In fact, assuming you have 000 as the last three decimals of seconds, you can use the format below. from datetime import datetime datetime_object = datetime.strptime(’24/NOV/18 05:15:00.000000000 AM’, ‘%d/%b/%y %I:%M:%S.%f000 %p’) If you cannot make … Read more

[Solved] How can I procees the below text file for text classification? I would like each paragraph as a row in a pandas dataframe, I am unable to do that [closed]

f = open(‘sample_text.txt’, ‘r’) data = f.read() paragraphs = data.split(“\n\n”) paragraphs[:] = (value for value in paragraphs if value != ‘\t’) 2 solved How can I procees the below text file for text classification? I would like each paragraph as a row in a pandas dataframe, I am unable to do that [closed]

[Solved] How can I procees the below text file for text classification? I would like each paragraph as a row in a pandas dataframe, I am unable to do that [closed]

Introduction Text classification is a process of categorizing text into different classes or categories. It is a supervised learning technique that can be used to classify text into different categories such as sentiment analysis, topic classification, spam detection, etc. In this article, we will discuss how to process a text file for text classification using … Read more

[Solved] How can I do this effectively? [closed]

One way to do it using sum(), list comprehension and recursion, def simulated_sum(input): “””This is a recursive function to find the simulated sum of an integer””” if len(str(input)) == 1: return input else: input_digits = [int(x) for x in str(input)] latest_sum = sum(input_digits) return simulated_sum(latest_sum) input = int(input(‘Enter a number’)) print(simulated_sum(input)) DEMO: https://rextester.com/WCBXIL71483 solved How … Read more

[Solved] How can I do this effectively? [closed]

Introduction When it comes to tackling a task, it is important to do it effectively. This can be difficult, especially if you are not sure how to go about it. Fortunately, there are many resources available to help you figure out how to do something effectively. This article will provide some tips on how to … Read more

[Solved] counting word instances in a string

“i” is a variable used to keep track of what iteration you are on for the loop. “i” starts at 1 and each iteration is incremented by 1. The “s[i:i+3]” means “the values in s from the character at ‘i’ to the character at ‘i+3′”. 2 solved counting word instances in a string

[Solved] Using Python from a XML file ,I want to get only the tags that have a value? [closed]

Load xml, traverse it (eg recursively), return tags with non-empty text. Here as generator: import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET def getNonemptyTagsGenerator(xml): for elem in xml: yield from getNonemptyTagsGenerator(elem) if len(xml) == 0: if xml.text and xml.text.strip(): yield xml xml = ET.parse(file_path).getroot() print([elem for elem in getNonemptyTagsGenerator(xml)]) Result: [<Element ‘field’ at 0x7fb2c967fea8>, <Element ‘text’ at 0x7fb2c9679048>] You … Read more

[Solved] The function should return the string multiplied by the integer [closed]

To set a default value in a function you should do like in the code bellow and you don’t have to use str to convert x to a string, just send the string. def multiply(x,mult_int=10): return x*mult_int print(multiply(“I hope that’s not your homework.\n”, 2)) print(multiply(“Bye.”)) 1 solved The function should return the string multiplied by … Read more