[Solved] How to create django project [closed]

Try using “$ django-admin startproject myproject”, the myproject should be the folder that contains your project. If that doesn’t work try checking this website: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/django/django_creating_project.htm And follow the steps. 1 solved How to create django project [closed]

[Solved] Python, why does this sum function not work

First, length is not defined anywhere, but you are trying to use it in the while condition. That would cause the error you are probably seeing. The length of your list can be obtained with len(list). Second, your while body isn’t actually using the list values: (list[counter] +total) isn’t doing anything, as it’s not assigned … Read more

[Solved] Use python to run a command line [duplicate]

You can use subprocess module. import subprocess subprocess.call([“tclsh”, “oommf.tcl”, “avf2odt”, “-average”, “space”, “-axis”, “z”, “-onefile”, “<filename>.txt”, “-headers”, “none”, “-ipat”, “*.omf”]) See https://docs.python.org/2/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.call 3 solved Use python to run a command line [duplicate]

[Solved] how to write this in one line in python [closed]

Python’s with statement comes handy here. And its good habit to use it when you’re working with files, as it takes care of tearing down the objects, and catching exceptions too. You can read about it in the documentation. And here is how you would use with in your program: from sys import argv from … Read more

[Solved] How to know if a number is in another number python

use itertools.product to get the tuples (you will have to filter out the same number twice), then use set intersections of the digits to see if they have any digits in common. import itertools numbers = [12, 23, 26, 54] [t for t in itertools.product(numbers, numbers) if set(str(t[0])) & set(str(t[1])) and t[0] != t[1]] [(12, … Read more

[Solved] Competition Problem: Finding numbers containing “2020” from 1 to N which is a multiple of 2020 faster than O(N/2020) [closed]

If you get stuck here’s a solution import math baseInt = 2020 #This is the int you want to find within the other int randomInt = 1012020 #This is the int you’re going to count up to def checkBaseInt(baseInt, theIteratorInt): theNumString = str(theIteratorInt) #Converting to strings to find the substring baseIntString = str(baseInt) if(theNumString.find(baseIntString) == … Read more

[Solved] My Program is not printing what I want it to print

To match the symptoms reported I believe that your code is actually: import random name=input(“Welcome to this Arithmetic quiz,please enter your name:”) score = 0 for i in range(10): number1=random.randint(20,50) number2=random.randint(1,20) oper=random.choice(‘+-*’) correct_answer = eval(str(number1)+oper+str(number2)) answer = (int(input(‘What is:’+str(number1)+oper+str(number2)+’=’)) == correct_answer) if answer == correct_answer: print(‘Correct!’) score +=1 else: print(‘Incorrect!’) print(“You got”,score,”out of 10″) Note … Read more