[Solved] How to traverse the same table with nested cursors in oracle [closed]

Try something like this: begin for c in (select * from child_table) loop insert into table1 select * from parent_table where column_1 = c.column_10; insert into table2 select * from parent_table where column_1 = c.column_10; insert into table3 (column_1, column_2, column_3, column_4, column_5, column_6, column_7, column_8, column_9, column_10) values (c.column_1, c.column_2, c.column_3, c.column_4, c.column_5, c.column_6, … Read more

[Solved] Java 8 – collecting into a map from a list of objects with nested list

Assuming you want a Map<User.userId, List<UserData.customerId>> you can use this: Map<Long, List<Long>> result = users.stream() .collect(Collectors.toMap( User::getUserId, u -> u.getUserData().stream() .map(UserData::getCustomerId) .collect(Collectors.toList()) )); 3 solved Java 8 – collecting into a map from a list of objects with nested list

[Solved] How to flatten a nested dictionary? [duplicate]

You want to traverse the dictionary, building the current key and accumulating the flat dictionary. For example: def flatten(current, key, result): if isinstance(current, dict): for k in current: new_key = “{0}.{1}”.format(key, k) if len(key) > 0 else k flatten(current[k], new_key, result) else: result[key] = current return result result = flatten(my_dict, ”, {}) Using it: print(flatten(_dict1, … Read more

[Solved] nested IF, AND, OR function compare and give result excel

Try this formula =MATCH(G5,{“Prica Plus”,”Miks S”,”Miks M”,”Miks L”,”Miks XL”,”Miks XL Plus”,”Miks XXL”,”Super”},0)-MATCH(F5,{“Prica Plus”,”Miks S”,”Miks M”,”Miks L”,”Miks XL”,”Miks XL Plus”,”Miks XXL”,”Super”},0) Above formula can be broken down in two parts. Firstly, matching Cell G5 to your values =MATCH(G5,{“Prica Plus”,”Miks S”,”Miks M”,”Miks L”,”Miks XL”,”Miks XL Plus”,”Miks XXL”,”Super”},0) Secondly, matching Cell H5 to your values =MATCH(F5,{“Prica Plus”,”Miks S”,”Miks … Read more

[Solved] Parse a nested dictionary [closed]

ids = [int(row[‘id’]) for row in b[‘cricket’][‘Arts & Entertainment’]] will give you a list of the numbers, [6003760631113, 6003350271605, 6003106646578, 6003252371486, 6003370637135] And for your new edits; ids = [int(row[‘id’]) for row in b[‘cricket’][‘Arts & Entertainment’] + b[‘News, Media & Publications’]] 3 solved Parse a nested dictionary [closed]

[Solved] sorting in the order of lowercase first then uppercase then digits and sorting the digits to with the odd no first [closed]

I’m assuming this is homework or something and you are supposed to do this a certain way or something? What are the specifications? I shortened your code anyway if that helps in any way p = “Sorting1234” upper_case = sorted([i for i in p if i.isupper()]) lower_case = sorted([i for i in p if i.islower()]) … Read more

(Solved) How can I access and process nested objects, arrays, or JSON?

Preliminaries JavaScript has only one data type which can contain multiple values: Object. An Array is a special form of object. (Plain) Objects have the form {key: value, key: value, …} Arrays have the form [value, value, …] Both arrays and objects expose a key -> value structure. Keys in an array must be numeric, … Read more