[Solved] How can i fix concatenate tuple (not “list”) to tuple

You forgot to call the conversion function for some parameter in your function. I tested and corrected your code, call it this way: is_verified = verified( convert(data[‘k_signer’]), data[‘d_pk’], convert(data[‘d_signer’]), data[‘sig’], convert(data[‘addr’]), convert(data[‘seed’]), convert(data[‘data’]) ) solved How can i fix concatenate tuple (not “list”) to tuple

[Solved] Combine elements of a list [closed]

Are you looking for this? var tupleList = new List<Tuple<string, string>>(); for (int i = 0; i < data.Count; i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < data.Count; j++) { tupleList.Add(new Tuple<string, string>(data[i], data[j])); } } 1 solved Combine elements of a list [closed]

[Solved] I tried BUT for some reason my data sorting is not aligned with student names and i am getting wrong grades opposite to wrong names [closed]

The problem is that when you sort the GPAs, they’re no longer associated with the name ordering – you can simply skip doing so and the list indicies will stay correct or bring them into some collection (the instructions actually specify a tuple) # starting values scores_GPA = [3.85, 4.89, 2.89, 1.02, 3.8, 3.7, 2.9, … Read more

[Solved] What does the .0 and .1 mean Swift 3.0.1

The .0 in somePoint.0 is accessing the first element (at index 0) of the tuple somePoint. .1 is accessing the second element (at index 1). As others have pointed out, this is covered in the first section of the language guide, “The Basics”. 3 solved What does the .0 and .1 mean Swift 3.0.1

[Solved] Turning a BOUNDED std::list of parameters into a type std::tuple tup

This code works correctly on clang and g++ (using C++11): http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/c8071ab447e10a31 Produces a std::tuple with Max_N elements of the same type, and fills it up with the first values of the given list. If less elements in list than Max_N, fills the last elements with sentinel values. In practice, using std::array<C, N> may be more … Read more

[Solved] Concat elements of tuple if contiguous lables are same

Here’s a quick function to do this looping through the tuples and comparing each tuple to the label of the previous tuple and concatenating them if the labels match. def parse_tuples(x): prev_tuple = list(x[0]) parsed = [] for i in x[1:]: if i[1] == prev_tuple[1]: prev_tuple[0] += i[0] else: parsed.append(tuple(prev_tuple)) prev_tuple = list(i) parsed.append(tuple(prev_tuple)) return … Read more