[Solved] Parallel streams in Java [closed]

From OCP : Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 8 Programmer || Study Guide : Exam 1z0-809 […] Depending on the number of CPUs available in your environment the following is a possible output of the code using a parallel stream […] Even better, the results scale with the number of processors. Scaling is the property … Read more

[Solved] return the list with strings with single occurrence [closed]

Something like this… List<String> result = Stream.of(“A”, “A”, “BB”, “C”, “BB”, “D”) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy( Function.identity(), Collectors.counting())) .entrySet() .stream() .filter(x -> x.getValue() == 1L) .map(Entry::getKey).collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println(result); // [C, D] 2 solved return the list with strings with single occurrence [closed]

[Solved] Reworking method with stream usage [duplicate]

If you can work with a Map<String, Long> then you can use this: public Map<String, Long> countCodingsByDate() { return codingHistory.historyDate.stream() .collect(Collectors.groupingBy( Function.identity(), Collectors.counting() )); } Note: This is the normal way to find out the occurances of a Collection. For similar questions, see: 1, 2 2 solved Reworking method with stream usage [duplicate]

[Solved] Using Java 8 lambda and Stream for information extraction

Something like this should do it for you : serviceConfigList.stream() .filter(ser -> ser.getValid().equals(“true”)) .forEach(ser -> { Connection.SERVICE_PORT = ser.getPort(); Connection.SERVICE_ADDRESS = ser.getIp(); // other code.. }); PS : I don’t have your complete code. So can’t help more. 4 solved Using Java 8 lambda and Stream for information extraction

[Solved] Convert Map to List with new java 8 streams

As already mentioned in a comment by the user “soon”, this problem can be easily solved with flatMap and map: List<TestSession> list = mapList.entrySet().stream() .flatMap(e1 -> e1.getValue().stream() .map(e2 -> new TestSession(e1.getKey(), e2.getKey(), e2.getValue()))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); solved Convert Map to List with new java 8 streams

[Solved] Java 8 comparator not working

The comparator seems correct. The problem seems to be in your filter clause, where you compare the event id to the device id lastDeviceEvent = deviceEvents .stream() .filter (o -> o.getDeviceId().equals(deviceId)) // Original code used getId() .sorted(comparing((DeviceEvent de) -> de.getId()).reversed()) .findFirst() .get(); solved Java 8 comparator not working

[Solved] How does “Stream” in java8 work?

abstract class ReferencePipeline<P_IN, P_OUT> extends AbstractPipeline<P_IN, P_OUT, Stream<P_OUT>> implements Stream<P_OUT> … It’s ReferencePipeline that implements them. For example: @Override public final boolean anyMatch(Predicate<? super P_OUT> predicate) { return evaluate(MatchOps.makeRef(predicate, MatchOps.MatchKind.ANY)); } 2 solved How does “Stream” in java8 work?

[Solved] Calculate the sum of a field contained in a collection that is contained in an other collection using Java Stream

Before mapToDouble you have to use flatMap like this: return collection1.stream() .flatMap(cA -> cA.getCollectionB().stream()) .mapToDouble(ObjectB::getSalary) .sum(); Or you can use map before the flatMap: return collection1.stream() .map(ObjectA::getCollectionB) .flatMap(List::stream) .mapToDouble(ObjectB::getSalary) .sum(); Of you can use flatMapToDouble directly as @Naman mentioned: return collection1.stream() .flatMapToDouble( cA -> cA.getCollectionB().stream().mapToDouble(ObjectB::getSalary) ).sum(); 5 solved Calculate the sum of a field contained … Read more