[Solved] What is the best way to organize a lot of data which contains multiple conditions?

You could organize your data as follows: class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { List<Criteria> list = new List<Criteria>() { new Criteria(Color.green, Country.england, Town.london, GoodBad.good, DayOfTheWeek.sunday, Daytime.evening), new Criteria(Color.red, Country.thenetherlands, Town.amsterdam, GoodBad.bad, DayOfTheWeek.monday, Daytime.night), new Criteria(Color.blue, Country.america, Town.newyork, GoodBad.bad, DayOfTheWeek.tuesday, Daytime.morning), }; Console.WriteLine(“- Native sorting:”); list.Sort(); foreach(var criteria in list) { Console.WriteLine(criteria); } Console.WriteLine(); … Read more

[Solved] can’t multiply matrix and list which type ‘float’

You are multiplying a list by a float. You should multiply each row of the matrix with words. Something like this will work. multiply_nonspam_test = [] for row in transpose_test_feature: multiply_nonspam_test.append([x*y for x,y in zip(row, log_train_probs_nonspam_words)]) print multiply_nonspam_test 0 solved can’t multiply matrix and list which type ‘float’

[Solved] (Java) Go thru array beginning at the last index [closed]

Use this: public void someMethod(int[] arr){ for(int i=arr.length-1; i >= 0; i–){ if(arr[i] <= 8){ arr[i]+=1; }else if(arr[i] ==9){ arr[i] = 0; } } } Refer https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/nutsandbolts/for.html for better undersatnding of for loop construct. solved (Java) Go thru array beginning at the last index [closed]

[Solved] Custom List in java

I don’t understand as well what do you mean by “custom list”. But in your code, it seems you want to retrieve only the first and the last integer from the List. If you want to perform only this two operations, a Queue would be better than an ArrayList in term of performance. Obviously, if … Read more