[Solved] Boolean in Mutator Method

You’ll have to change the return type of your setter: public boolean setHeight(int newHeight) { if (1<=height && height<=10) { height = newHeight; return true; } else { return false; } } 4 solved Boolean in Mutator Method

[Solved] Dynamic JSON field create with java

First off all you need a json libary for Java. So if you’re using this json libary you can do something like: JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); obj.put(“lang”, “python”); obj.put(“file”, “class.py”); obj.toString() will return {“file”:”class.py”,”lang”:”python”} solved Dynamic JSON field create with java

[Solved] Can’t referr to my get method

A simple answer is “statements are not allowed in class body”. The simplest fix for you program would be creating an instance list variable like. private class ScreenSlidePagerAdapter extends FragmentStatePagerAdapter { final SayingsHolder holder = (SayingsHolder).getApplication(); ArrayList<String> sayingsList = holder.getSayingsList(); } This is just one option. You can move this holder.getSayingsList(); to a method body … Read more

[Solved] Datatype for getting input for over 30 digits

You can get the result from the below code. String string = “123454466666666666666665454545454454544598989899545455454222222222222222”; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) { count += Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(string.charAt(i))); } System.out.println(count); 0 solved Datatype for getting input for over 30 digits

[Solved] Confusion in stack pointer [closed]

This is how a stack works: You push elements into it like this. The freshly added elements are always “on top” since it is a Last in First Out (LIFO) structure. You can only access the top element: Then You can pop these elements, but pop always removes the top one, like this: If i … Read more

[Solved] creat empty array of strings

Don’t create individual string array.You can use Arraylist to make a dynamic String array. ArrayList<String> images =new ArrayList<String>(); to insert values.Just use add() method. For example,You want to store iamgeUrls then : images.add(image1); images.add(image2); And to retrieve data use get() method.Example : images.get(position); //where position is the index of imageUrl you want to retrieve. 0 … Read more

[Solved] What will be the output of String.substring(String.length)?

The JavaDoc for String.substring() states: [throws] IndexOutOfBoundsException – if beginIndex is negative or larger than the length of this String object. Since your beginIndex is equal to the length of the string it is a valid value and substring() returns an empty string. 3 solved What will be the output of String.substring(String.length)?

[Solved] How to resolve the Exception in thread main

From your code it seems you are switching to a frame in getIframe. But forgot to switch to default[ driver.switchTo().defaultContent();] once your opertation is done public String getIframe(String id) { String Value = “”; final List<WebElement> iframes = driver.findElements(By.tagName(“iframe”)); for (WebElement iframe : iframes) { if (iframe.getAttribute(“id”).equals(id)) { driver.switchTo().frame(id);//switch happens Value = driver.findElement(By.xpathdfdgdg”)).getText(); System.out.println(“erer” + … Read more