[Solved] Trim multiple items CSV using PowerShell

Got it…..I’m sure there is a cleaner version of my regular expressions but it works. $Keywords=”\sVersion\sis\s.{2,16}”, ‘\sfound’, ‘\sshould.{2,40}’,’\sfile’ $Csv | ForEach-Object { ForEach($keyword in $Keywords){ $_.Results = $_.Results -replace $keyword,” }} $Csv | Export-Csv $FileOut -NoTypeInformation solved Trim multiple items CSV using PowerShell

[Solved] How do I use the Trim Function

Indexer C# uses the square bracket[] to access element of an indexer instead of parentheses() Event Handler AddHandler and AddressOf are both VB keyword. In order to add an handler to an event, use the += operator with the event as left operand and handler as the right operand. protected void ButtonSetup(DataRow row, Button button) … Read more