[Solved] How to merge values of a single hash?

You need to join the values in a string:

"#{address['house_number']} #{address['street_name']},\n#{address['city']},\n#{address['post_code']}"

You could also improve the formatting by making this a helper method, and using a HEREDOC:

def formatted_address(address)
    #{address['house_number']} #{address['street_name']},


address = { 
  "house_number" => 20,
  "street_name" => "Mount Park Road",
  "city" => "Greenfield",
  "post_code" => "WD1 8DC"

puts formatted_address(address)
  # => 20 Mount Park Road,
  #    Greenfield,
  #    WD1 8DC

solved How to merge values of a single hash?