[Solved] How to find out the number of records in a table? [closed]

It would be something like this on your model: def self.pending_count where(status: 0).count end def self.in_progress_count where(status: 1).count end def self.finished_count where(status: 2).count end Then you can just call Model.pending_count (or the other methods) wherever you need it. solved How to find out the number of records in a table? [closed]

[Solved] How to disable email validation in rails device [closed]

Simply comment out the line specifying validators for the email attribute, or remove it altogether: # app/models/user.rb # validates :email, :presence => false, :email => false You’ll also need to make a slight modification to your users table. By default, Devise does not allow the email field to be null. Create and run change a … Read more

[Solved] Initialize Ruby codes error

class Dog def set_name(name) @dogname = name end def get_name return @dogname end def talk return “awww” end def initialize(title, description) @title = title @description = description end end #That will cause an error because your new method have two arguments. doggy = Dog.new bogart = Dog.new(‘The Book’, ‘The road not taken’) bogart.set_name(‘Sam’) puts bogart.get_name … Read more

[Solved] Rails: Remove Curly Braces in Array [closed]

@temp = SalesOrder.where(“status > ?”, 0).ids items = SalesOrderItem.where(sales_order_id: @temp).where.not(product_id: nil) total = items.to_a.group_by(&:product_id).each_with_object({}) do |(product_id, quantity), total| total[Product.find(product_id.to_i).name] = quantity.map(&:quantity).map(&:to_f).sum end @top_five = total.sort_by { |k, v| v }.reverse! Check this. It should work. If any errors, ping me, I will update it PS: your code is not optimized at all. All of this … Read more

[Solved] Can somenone translate this from Ruby to Python. Its a basic map function [closed]

So to answer your questions regarding operators like << or ||= []: << appends an element to an array (or appends strings), in the case above it’s used to append the comment object to either the results array or or the threaded thingy. ||= basically means, if left-hand-side is undefined then evaluate & assign right-hand-side … Read more

[Solved] How Add new ruby on rails application on New Relic? [closed]

you can look at a video here https://newrelic.com/docs/ruby/ruby-agent-installation there are 3 simple steps to install newrelic Installing the gem New Relic recommends installing the Ruby gem in order to have better control over versions and dependencies. However, the gem is not supported for Rails versions prior to 2.0. If you are using Rails 1.2.6 and … Read more

[Solved] What’s the difference between “#{self.key}” and “vynd6tg1hh”? [closed]

def get_wistia_media Wistia::Media.get(wistia_key) end Is calling a class method def wistia_key “#{self.key}” end Is defined as an instance method, try def self.wistia_key def wistia_key “vynd6tg1hh” end Just returns a string that will always be the same. 2 solved What’s the difference between “#{self.key}” and “vynd6tg1hh”? [closed]

[Solved] ElegantRails – Multiple Routes to one Controller Action

Absolutely there is. You can use a parameter directly in your route. Even further, you can then use that parameter directly in your query, rather than using a case statement. #routes.rb get ‘suggestions/:type’, to: ‘suggestions#index’ # suggestions_controller.rb def index @suggestions = Suggestion.where(suggestion_type: params[:type]) end It’s always a better practice to base your controller actions after … Read more

[Solved] How do I fix Rails RuntimeError Current ExectJ doesn’t support ES5?

The main problem was in your Gemfile here gem ‘therubyracer’, platforms: :ruby gem ‘mini_racer’, platforms: :ruby You had two racer type gems, you only need one. You should just use gem ‘mini_racer’ and get rid of therubyracer. Do that and run bundle install. You will also need to clean up merge conflict stuff left in … Read more