[Solved] How can I read in a variable/value which is a runtime parameter that is inside a constant list of hashes?

As has been explained, your ERROR_SW is a constant, and may not contain run-time variables If you intended $switch_ip and $timeout to also be constant values then, because use constant is evaluated at compile time, you would also have to declare and define these two variables beforehand. Like this use strict; use warnings ‘all’; my … Read more

[Solved] Basic Error Capture – for inputs – Python [closed]

Would this help? totalReTries = 10 acquiredValue = None PROMPT_MESSAGE = “Please enter the valid value: ” typeOfInteredData = float rangeOfData = range(10, 20) for currentRetry in range(1, totalReTries): print “Attempt %d of %d” % (currentRetry, totalReTries) try: acquiredValue = input(PROMPT_MESSAGE) except ValueError: print(“Incorrect data format. Please try again.”) continue if type(acquiredValue) != typeOfInteredData: print … Read more

[Solved] Passing variables in classic ASP

You should think of the page as being built into one contiguous page, so that if you include a number of .asp files they will build up your finished page. For instance, if you have three files: File_1.asp <h1>Hello, World!</h1> File_2.asp <p>This file will be included too!</p> File_3.asp <%Dim version version = 1.1%> …and include … Read more

[Solved] My PHP is not uploading videos [closed]

Spot the differences: <input type=”file” name=”uploadvideo” value=”Upload video” id=”videoupload” required /> ^^^^^^^^^^^ $myFile = $_FILES[“myFile”]; ^^^^^^ if ($_FILES[‘file’][‘error’] !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) { ^^^^^^ 5 solved My PHP is not uploading videos [closed]

[Solved] I’m getting an IndentationError. How do I fix it?

Why does indentation matter? In Python, indentation is used to delimit blocks of code. This is different from many other languages that use curly braces {} to delimit blocks such as Java, Javascript, and C. Because of this, Python users must pay close attention to when and how they indent their code because whitespace matters. … Read more

[Solved] AccessViolationException in Delphi – impossible (check it, unbelievable…)

Try changing PBoolean to PBOOL function(IsEnabled: PBOOL): HRESULT; stdcall; var Flag: BOOL; PBoolean is a pointer to a Pascal Boolean which is 1 byte in size. PBOOL is a pointer to a Windows (C based) BOOL, which is 4 bytes in size. You need to match the size expected by windows. In general, when translating … Read more