[Solved] Question regarding a Coinbase Trading LSTM model bot for time-series neural net based on historic data in Python – Error and debug question [closed]

Introduction This question is about a Coinbase Trading LSTM model bot for time-series neural net based on historic data in Python. The question is about error and debug. This question is important because it can help us understand how to debug and troubleshoot errors in a Coinbase Trading LSTM model bot for time-series neural net … Read more

[Solved] Why Debug.Writeline is printing my message in reverse [closed]

The format of this function is WriteLine(string message,string category). This means that it will show your category and then, your message. For instance, category could be TRACE or DEBUG. I think that what you are looking for is string.Format. You should have Debug.WriteLine(String.Format(“RefKey value was {0}”, refKey)) solved Why Debug.Writeline is printing my message in … Read more

[Solved] Spaces not being replaced with newlines

Welcome to C! You have allocated no memory so you error. Use malloc to allocate the memory. I have made this code that works for you: void f(char*s,char*toString) { char c,i=0,j=0; int num=0; while(c=*(s++)) { toString[num]=c; // putchar(c); if(c==’ ‘)++i; if((j<4&&i==7)||(j>=4&&i==6)) { i=0; ++j; toString[num]=’\n’; // putchar(‘\n’); } num++; } } state_t initial_user_state_to_c(char * string) … Read more

[Solved] What is Debug Channel?

Generally, googling your question before posting it here is recommended. I’ve found a potential resource for you here: http://libcwd.sourceforge.net/reference-manual/group__group__debug__channels.html And here: http://libcwd.sourceforge.net/tutorial/tut2.html I’m not a C++ specialist but those seem to be the answer you’re looking for. solved What is Debug Channel?

[Solved] how to create a #define DEBUG in c

Use #define DEBUG when debugging and use //#define DEBUG when not… Or you can check DEBUG == 1, like #if defined(DEBUG) && (DEBUG == 1) printHex(“Data received\r\n”, recBuff, sizeof(recBuff)); //print out received hex data #endif Hope it helps… 1 solved how to create a #define DEBUG in c

[Solved] executing programs from command prompt [closed]

After it begins to execute, is your program using relative paths to input files that might be different? Are you an administrator on the computer and/or running eclipse as administrator? You could try running the command prompt as administrator to confirm that it isn’t a permissions issue. 2 solved executing programs from command prompt [closed]

[Solved] How to collect all exceptions of application when its work complete?

It really depends on how you are currently handling all those exceptions. You can take a look at the AppDomain.UnhandledException and AppDomain.FirstChanceException (documentation here) events. The latter should provide notification of all managed exceptions before they get passed to a normal exception handler. Using either that or your current exceptions handlers you will have to … Read more

[Solved] How can I run a c++ script in debug in visual studio code? [closed]

Good evening Tanozar, the problems are probably due to: – task.json “tasks”: [ { “type”: “shell”, “label”: “g++ build active file”, “command”: “/usr/bin/g++”, “args”: [ “-g”, “${file}”, “`pkg-config”, “–cflags”, “–libs”, “opencv4`”, “-lcfitsio”, “-lcurl”, “-o”, “${fileDirname}/${fileBasenameNoExtension}”, “-lboost_iostreams”, “-lboost_system”, “-lboost_filesystem”, “-lpython2.7”, “-lm”, “-L/usr/lib/python2.7/config/”, “-I/usr/include/python2.7/ “, ], “options”: { “cwd”: “/usr/bin” }, “problemMatcher”: [ “$gcc” ], “group”: “build” … Read more

[Solved] Excel VBA sort bug

Key:=source.Range(source.Cells(rowStart, startNames)… – You shouldn’t have source.Range here – your key is the single cell source.Cells(rowStart, startNames). As a recommendation – change …SortFields.Add2 to …SortFields.Add. The ..Add2 will definitely not work in older versions of Excel. solved Excel VBA sort bug